The Realest Slav (2017-10-06 17:26:23 / 5 stars):
Это лучшие курсоры, все славяне будут любить их. Не забудьте приседать на плоской еде и пить водку TyranicalRex (2017-10-08 14:09:58 / 1 stars):
Is that their symbol? Also, these are obvious copies of the "Pride Cursors" made by Bread Roll. Unknown author (2017-10-08 21:29:20):
According to Stéphane Courtois in the Black Book of Communism, communism has killed apprx 94,000,000 people worldwide. People who escape communist countries don't have a positive view of it. ApacheAttackHelicopter (2017-10-09 15:25:21):
Just me and my daddy, hanging out I got pretty economically unstable so I started to pout He asked if I was down ⬇for something revolutionary and I asked what and he said he'd give me his commies! Yeah! Yeah! I equally distribute wealth! I expand my glorious regime! I swallow countries whole It makes daddy happy so it's my only goal... Harder daddy! Harder daddy! 1 commie, 2 commie, 3 commie, 4 I'm daddy's czar but I'm also a socialist! He makes me feel safe! He makes me feel nationalistic! He makes me feel everything a little commie should!~ Wa-What! And that shows that I have the most complete understanding of communism on the world and how dare you questoin my expertise Censor_Not (2017-10-15 13:35:57 / 1 stars):
If you install communism, no one will have freedom. You will NOT like it. ApacheAttackHelicopter (2017-10-18 17:39:25):
you speaking from first hand experience or capitalist propaganda? Unknown author (2018-01-22 04:40:28):
subtlety be darned. I'm no communist, especially since I already know what it has done to millions of people... yet some part of me deep within is calling me to this. I can't stop myself from taking it just at least until we install the first czar of New America... the propaganda is one with me as I am one with the propaganda. This is my guilty pleasure adrenochromedream (2019-11-29 23:14:38 / 5 stars):
sweet - approves Yoda does Unknown author (2019-12-14 20:27:50):
communism is good, actually GoreMoth (2020-04-23 09:26:18 / 5 stars):
Thank you! Vlazteron (2020-09-22 02:46:54 / 1.5 stars):
no, just no Unknown author (2020-12-04 17:35:18):
a communist society is a moneyless, classless, STATELESS, society. read a bit before you say vomit hate for God's sake communism is good Unknown author (2021-05-25 18:38:55):
All Hail Soviet Russia Unknown author (2024-12-27 17:01:11):
Wait, what? |