Unknown author (2017-11-12 07:34:31):
I'm getting missing file extensions. But cool adrenochromedream (2017-11-12 19:20:08):
on which ones? JeffTheCreepyCreeper (2017-11-13 14:09:46 / 5 stars):
Noice VrCat (2017-11-13 18:24:35 / 5 stars):
i agree with Jeff! RockerOps_II (2017-11-13 19:16:18 / 5 stars):
This is pretty weird... I can taste the color of smells. 5/5 - Would use these again. adrenochromedream (2017-11-13 20:06:09):
thanks all VrCat (2017-11-14 16:02:05):
safety! VrCat (2017-11-16 17:59:16):
Unknown author (2017-11-24 14:17:02):
nice adrenochromedream (2017-11-25 00:11:44):
ty anon Unknown author (2017-11-26 17:40:55):
adrenochromedream (2017-11-26 20:32:16):
I use Real World cursor editor VrCat (2017-11-28 20:16:07):
Lucky, I want to create a cursor set but i don't know how Unknown author (2017-12-07 18:57:22):
oh yesah Unknown author (2018-02-20 18:05:16):
thanks again Yea no prob mate Small Samson (2018-07-31 09:43:31 / 5 stars):
what do you use to render these? I know RWCE isn't good at 3D things by itself. adrenochromedream (2018-07-31 23:40:13):
RWCE is what I use jessicatgirl12 (2019-11-19 03:11:24 / 4.5 stars):
Wow the colors are amazing and really cool! kittykats52 (2019-12-01 23:59:32 / 4 stars):
i really like these but some of the hot spots seem to be in the wrong place. since some of them have very small and white elements, i'm going to assume that most of them have elements on the hot spots. can you please make them black? Unknown author (2020-08-27 17:32:00):
STOP APPEARING EVERY TIME I SEARCH FOR A SET Unknown author (2020-10-27 15:06:07):
nice Unknown author (2022-06-19 16:34:08):
CAN'T DOWNROAD Unknown author (2024-06-17 06:29:28):