Unknown author (2018-01-24 21:09:41):
Lovely cursors but could you please provide a smaller version of these (and hopefully with different colors as well). Thanks for all the efforts. VrCat (2018-01-25 17:59:34 / 5 stars):
NICE! Bob the builder (2018-01-25 19:26:01 / 4 stars):
im jealous the ones i make barly get a single view RIDDLER (2018-02-01 06:54:55):
Sorry, but I cannot make a smaller version. This large set is a template which I colorized. Cursors are very hard to make, so I made my very best to make this cool set. VrCat (2018-02-07 14:53:40):
Ok, its cool RIDDLER, they look great anyway! RIDDLER (2018-04-06 21:54:30):
Thanks. Please take a good look at my other cursor sets. I am sure that you will like them. Unknown author (2020-04-15 22:52:14):
"Cursors are very hard to make?" Give me a break. They're just pixel art. Any minecrafter than do it. RIDDLER (2020-04-16 20:40:53):
Cursors are not hard to make. If you get the shape right, then you have good cursors. Unknown author (2020-06-23 21:03:51):
lol RIDDLER (2020-08-10 02:24:10):
Lol. Unknown author (2023-02-14 04:14:06):
i have done that in the settings but my favorite color is red so i did just search up b and when it says big mouse cursor u click and adjust color or size here u go!!! RIDDLER (2023-02-19 05:30:32):
Well, there you go. Enjoy the big size. |