Pizzachu22 (2018-01-29 22:48:21 / 0.5 stars):
Not Original. Besides, the game's popularity died out a long time ago. Unknown author (2018-02-05 04:28:04):
Love it Unknown author (2018-02-05 23:17:00):
pleas e make a monika one if you haven't yet this is great Unknown author (2018-02-07 18:53:51):
cool! Unknown author (2018-03-03 12:19:08):
@Pizzachu22 does it matter the game lost its popularity? it dosent stop you from liking a character. Unknown author (2018-05-07 22:17:47):
no make nasksuki ooonnneeee nooooowwww!!!!!! Unknown author (2018-07-20 17:02:48):
Love it Galaxy Geek (2019-05-28 09:39:48):
Could you make the rest of the different cursor too? I ADORE YURI! Unknown author (2019-07-31 20:34:30):
Unknown author (2021-02-05 23:51:16):
i loove yuri from doki doki i am just so mad that i cant download this for some reason XD el EÑE ☻☺☻ (2022-10-19 15:57:46 / 5 stars):
nice cursor pack el EÑE ☻☺☻ (2022-12-18 13:54:55):
Unknown author (2023-09-18 10:38:32):
Unknown author (2024-01-22 22:27:30):