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RIDDLER (2018-04-09 03:33:15):

This brown cursor set is just perfect for Windows XP users.

Vlazteron (2019-12-02 22:46:35 / 5 stars):

Stolen or remixed? http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/runescape-brown

RIDDLER (2019-12-02 23:18:31):

Those are a remix. I have fixed the hotspots on this brown cursor set.

Please do not delete this brown cursor set. I want to keep it on my profile.

All the credit goes to Apocalypsing for making this cursor set. What I have done is to fix the hotspots to improve it.

Vlazteron (2019-12-02 23:24:58):

Oh, ok. Next time, when remixing sets. Give credit to the owner of these cursors.

RIDDLER (2019-12-02 23:26:42):

I just gave credit to the user Apocalypsing above.

Vlazteron (2019-12-03 18:31:45):

I said that the next time when you upload a set that isn't from you, give the credit on the description. I know that you credited it. But it would be better if you linked the original source too.

RIDDLER (2019-12-03 18:42:59):

I just gave credit to "Apocalypsing" for making this brown cursor set. I also added that in my cursor description. In addition to that, I have changed the licence to "Custom (contact author). Everything has been updated correctly.

RIDDLER (2019-12-11 07:30:18):


RIDDLER (2020-08-10 02:52:00):

Happy face.

Unknown author (2024-06-09 20:38:09):

Couldn't You think of a better Idea ?
> Bacon

RIDDLER (2024-06-10 21:16:27):

This was not my idea. This cursor set was made by someone else. I have explained that in the comments above. Just read it.


This brown cursor set is a great idea to the author who created it.


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