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TyranicalRex (2018-09-09 15:07:18 / 2.5 stars):

Good, but the hotspots are a bit off. You need to change them. Also, add some different roles to each cursor, like link, busy, working in background, etc.

Unknown author (2018-09-09 15:50:00):

noice ;-)

Unknown author (2018-09-10 12:38:28):

wowowowow :-(

Moracan (2018-09-13 17:56:48 / 3.5 stars):

Good set! I know that you are just starting, but try to fix the hotspots and make more things, not only normal selects! ;-)

GreenyTheHedgehog (2018-09-16 19:10:15 / 2.5 stars):

Well... The hot spots are a bit off and please just add roles to them

Unknown author (2018-12-03 08:41:24):

my stupid mac won't let me use this ;-;
it would've probably be legit :-)

Die98 (2020-03-20 09:57:17 / 4.5 stars):

great! :-D

Unknown author (2020-08-22 03:09:18):

8-) 8-) i like splatoon cursors

NoobGamrrr22 (2020-10-06 09:10:38 / 5 stars):

this is so good

Unknown author (2020-10-13 16:24:14):

It wont let put it in :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Unknown author (2021-03-03 17:28:31):


Unknown author (2021-10-19 20:43:44):


Unknown author (2022-11-17 13:47:47):

:-D :-D

Unknown author (2022-12-11 18:21:54):



i love splatoon

8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2023-01-29 03:08:18):

your a kid your a squid

Unknown author (2023-04-13 21:39:26):

grahhh your a squid now :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D i love this

Unknown author (2024-05-28 19:44:30):

I love splatoon and squids in splatoon...?

Unknown author (2024-08-07 06:21:43):

bro this is dryer then my grandmothers skin\

Unknown author (2024-09-09 07:13:13):

:-o 2024

Unknown author (2024-10-15 21:02:44):


Unknown author (2024-12-19 19:42:48):

:-D you should add more colors!

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