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RIDDLER (2019-11-20 06:03:20 / 5 stars):

This cursor set is original. You did not copy any Windows cursors. Well done. This is a true classic 90's cursor set.

Please make that hand cursor in the same color as all the other cursors in this set.

Please move the Busy icon hotspot in the middle.

Mine master (2019-11-20 06:28:50):

Hmmm well I never quite thought about that before, I guess I could do that :-)

I also would like to mind you that I tried using another busy ami file but for some odd reason it wouldn't let me add it, mind you that it is just another Windows 98 icon flapping but it looks a lot more cleaner if you could help me with that also it would mean a lot

snickerdoodle (2019-11-20 17:53:04 / 4.5 stars):

the busy cursor is very cool, but the hot spot is in the wrong place. these are pretty great but the link select could be the same color as the rest, i love that color very much. great job making these

RIDDLER (2019-11-20 20:49:11):

Yes, that's true the hotspot of the busy cursor is in the wrong place. Please fix it.

She is right. The link select hand cursor should be in the same color as with the other cursors. Please change the color.

Mine master (2019-11-20 23:02:48):

I am sorry if there is any sort of misundertsanding, I just now found this website, if you could help me help you that would be great. But first what exactly is a "hot spot"? I assumed it was the 3 cursors that show? I looked while editing these but I couldn't for the life of me find out how to change that, please clearly explain how I can change it then I can assure you that it would be done as soon as possible.

RIDDLER (2019-11-21 01:21:53):

A hotspot is the clicking area of a cursor. A hotspot is represented by a crosshair box on the left side of the RW Cursor creator design. Just look for it. This interface in on the software. Just type numbers or drag in the hotspot box. The correct hotspot for this cursor is 15, 15.

To change your hotspot do this: At the left hand side of RW Cursor editor you will see drop down arrows. They are multiple drop down arrows on the left hand side of your software's sidebar. Expand them all and you will see different options that are important when designing cursors. Once you expand the drop down arrows which currently hides on your sidebar, you will see a square box called "Hotspots". Once you found that, type in the numbers 15, 15 where you see the default 0, 0 hotspot position. The 0, 0 hotspot positions are wrong. You need to type 15, 15 to set your hotspot properly.

Mine master (2019-11-21 07:33:51):

Oh okay, I understand everything now

As for the gold cursor it doesn't look good with the same depth because it is supposed to be simple. Also I'd like to mention that these cursors are actual ones from the 90's and not just ones directly made by me, such as the loading and the mouse pointer and as a man who loves things the old way I dislike the new pointer that I made but as a man who keeps his word and a provider I made it just for all of you

RIDDLER (2019-11-21 20:02:03):

I know you want to keep your set original and simple, but for me it looks much better if you color the hand cursor in gold and reposition the Busy cursor hotspot in the middle. Please do that for me.



RIDDLER (2019-11-21 23:01:31):

Please can you kindly make the changes that I have stated above.

Mine master (2019-11-22 00:21:05):

You told me to move the busy icon from 0,0 to 15,15 and I have done so. As for the gold cursor I did make it but I was tried and went to bed, once I come home I can assure you that I will upload it

RIDDLER (2019-11-22 00:49:11):

Sorry, I was wrong with the Busy hotspot. Please change the Busy hotspot in the middle. Please fill the hand cursor with gold. That's all I'm asking for.

Mine master (2019-11-22 02:12:53):

Alright, that should be it now

RIDDLER (2019-11-22 02:46:16):

OK. Thanks.

Now remove the white hand and rename the gold hand as "Link Select", removing the "2" from the file name.

Mine master (2019-11-23 10:52:42):


Because if I do that then I would have to remove the golden hand then I would have to remove the other cursors and you see there would be no cursor set anymore

There is a reason why this set isn't called "golden cursors"

RIDDLER (2019-11-24 02:32:39):

OK. Keep the both the white and golden hand. Please keep all the cursors in this set.

Vlazteron (2019-11-29 23:50:32 / 5 stars):

Very good, the american hand looks like Macromedia Flash's link select. Good job on these cursors. :-)

RIDDLER (2019-12-04 00:59:33):

Best. 5 out of 5 stars.

Unknown author (2020-10-05 18:49:32):



Unknown author (2020-12-09 01:56:01):

yo whats up minemaster this iz da best :-D

RIDDLER (2021-05-16 22:41:45):

This is one of best gold cursors on this site.

Unknown author (2022-09-17 16:50:26):

it will be good if you make the same thing but with gold and change the busy spot that will be so cool :-D

Unknown author (2023-06-07 05:49:47):

that is the most beautiful cursor that i haven't seen in my entire life, it's sooooo cool :-D

Unknown author (2023-06-09 11:00:05):

Wait, it's crs, not inf

Unknown author (2024-03-25 11:48:17):

yo icon bro

Xsty4843 (2024-07-17 23:14:19 / 5 stars):

cursors before cursors :-) :-D

꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂ (2025-02-03 23:59:31):

Aren't these kitties
from Win98Plus...?
I had a couple ideas
for riffs on that flag logo. ;-)

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