snickerdoodle (2019-12-20 17:23:00 / 5 stars):
nice colors RIDDLER (2019-12-20 18:57:30 / 5 stars):
This set already exists here. Nice. adrenochromedream (2019-12-24 22:01:06 / 5 stars):
Unknown author (2019-12-25 12:53:18):
this is kinda dogshit how the fuck can i use it Vlazteron (2019-12-30 04:36:12 / 3.5 stars):
These are good. Unknown author (2020-01-01 19:29:11):
uff wie geil Unknown author (2020-01-15 04:35:27):
noice Unknown author (2020-05-12 16:09:16):
Unknown author (2020-05-24 15:04:48):
Unknown author (2020-05-29 04:40:15):
it doesnt have any style at all just plain colors bruh Unknown author (2020-08-02 15:49:57):
n bruh this is bad Unknown author (2020-11-18 05:49:12):
iits ppretty ccoolloo nnggnn;;ll llol wwaiit ttttttfff hhelop ppeolpssmnsjssnsn Unknown author (2020-11-18 11:59:15):
I like ur cursor Unknown author (2020-12-07 21:49:31):
idk the cursors are un even but good Unknown author (2021-01-08 13:51:13):
cool cursors Unknown author (2021-01-08 19:13:53):
Uhhh idk feeling of a virus \ Unknown author (2021-01-10 19:16:49):
this is just bad Unknown author (2021-01-22 19:46:45):
trash Unknown author (2021-02-10 15:02:54):
disgusting freak Unknown author (2021-02-15 06:07:26):
Unknown author (2021-02-18 16:54:57):
cool but its horrible Unknown author (2021-04-03 01:11:07):
ree Unknown author (2021-04-12 23:57:34):
amogus Unknown author (2021-04-16 14:54:01):
Amazing Unknown author (2021-04-18 10:41:05):
is everything okay at home ? Unknown author (2021-04-18 19:53:35):
this is bad and retarded and dumb but a lil bit okay Unknown author (2021-04-19 12:55:25):
nice pack, but there is still something missing ignore what people think negatively and just upgrade if you want Unknown author (2021-04-20 18:15:07):
Dhruvesh already made those gaming cursor CutePusheenLove Unknown author (2021-05-11 04:34:35):
SHUT UP MOTHER FUCKERS Unknown author (2021-05-12 02:13:22):
Unknown author (2021-05-15 10:02:11):
Nice ones you got here, much appreciated. Unknown author (2021-05-17 04:48:29):
dhipk Unknown author (2021-07-01 00:34:50):
vou nem baixar essa merda, tem algum brasileiro aq nessa bosta? ksks Unknown author (2021-07-07 00:23:26):
ksksks eu Unknown author (2021-08-04 08:41:09):
wtf Unknown author (2021-08-09 21:25:18):
wtf is happining in here? Unknown author (2021-08-19 23:02:17):
eu nao consegui p-elo simples fato de eu comer o cu de quem ta lendo Unknown author (2021-09-01 17:24:39):
vai se fuder todo mundo Unknown author (2021-09-30 14:09:16):
HI Unknown author (2021-10-13 18:59:09):
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Unknown author (2022-02-13 07:27:06):
I Like It Unknown author (2022-02-23 16:24:20):
Unknown author (2022-03-04 08:31:27):
everyone is anoymous Unknown author (2022-04-01 17:50:59):
amougus Unknown author (2022-04-01 21:12:29):
o de cima e corno Unknown author (2022-05-06 01:02:30):
o de cima queima à rosca Unknown author (2022-05-16 20:38:44):
asa de urubu pena de galinha quem ja deu o cu da uma risadinha zueraa mas o de cima é viado e corno Unknown author (2022-05-24 09:23:31):
idk Unknown author (2022-06-02 21:17:09):
COOOL YES Unknown author (2022-07-15 21:24:20):
MANO KKKKK Unknown author (2022-07-22 19:15:44):
AÑA Unknown author (2022-10-15 11:00:10):
se leu é viado :} Unknown author (2022-10-30 07:02:27):
AI PUTA AI QUE PORRA AI PUTA Unknown author (2022-11-27 17:29:15):
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Unknown author (2023-02-04 22:52:34):
a piranha de cima é uma vagabunda sem ropa q a mãe nasceu pelada, mais emfim pq tamos falando do cara de sima nun site de cursor? alem que esse ainda é feio kkkkkj parei, o d baixo ja foi cria Unknown author (2023-03-02 01:43:38):
só os brs, porque? também não sei to testando meu teclado, ultra gamer de led, e quero um cursor de macho mais não acho, E SIM ESSE CURSOR É UM LIXO Unknown author (2023-05-20 15:03:38):
chupa minha bola Unknown author (2024-02-14 02:29:34):
Unknown author (2024-03-25 20:17:51):
FODASEEEEEEE Unknown author (2024-04-06 15:56:22):
da o cuzinho e criar um cursor da cor do teu cu Unknown author (2024-12-20 05:51:28):
Caramba rapaziada vamos com calma botando no de cima e no de baixo! Unknown author (2025-02-21 15:06:55):
e o cu? |