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rev3626 (2020-09-26 21:33:58 / 5 stars):

I always had the thought of the idea of making Among Us cursors, but these are even better.

I love how Dark Green is mad on the Electrical task, that task is very painful, LOL!

Orange could strech his hands, making it animated. Just make the hand above go up and down, and made the hand below go, down and up.

Oh, would be also cool if cyan was assembling a gem. But that's up to you! That task on MiraHQ at Laboratory or something

Unknown author (2020-09-27 01:07:53):

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... :-( Yes! |-)

Hell Guys The Steam Look Like Cool But The Newgrounds is B A D

Chat Guys>:-C


floofyneko69 (2020-09-27 01:25:20):

i don't understand these anonymous guys sometimes

Yoon_0117 (2020-09-27 01:46:13 / 5 stars):

nice design ;-)

Unknown author (2020-09-27 02:34:19):

lol among us this is great

eeveelover64 (2020-09-27 06:56:50 / 5 stars):

Red kinda sus doe

Unknown author (2020-09-27 14:35:46):



8-) :-) :-( :-o 8-) |-) ;-) :-) :-( :-( :-D :-o :-o 8-) |-) |-) 8-) :-) ;-) ;-) ;-) :-o 8-) |-)


;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o 8-) |-) ;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o 8-) |-) ;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o |-) ;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o 8-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-)

rev3626 (2020-09-27 16:14:57):

I was scanning at Medbay.

floofyneko69 (2020-09-27 17:31:41):

that's cap, I was doing inspect sample and never once saw you

eeveelover64 (2020-09-27 18:33:50):

yeah, i saw red vent too

rev3626 (2020-09-27 18:51:05):

You're kinda sus. I left Medbay, then you appeared out of nowhere on medbay leaving. Probably you vented. As far I remember, you were at Security. The cameras were red, and when they were off, you appeared there on Medbay.

floofyneko69 (2020-09-27 18:54:51):


eeveelover64 (2020-09-27 20:22:07):

you could've as easily reported the body yourself, as i saw you leaving where the body was

rev3626 (2020-09-28 00:26:04):

So we are kinda sus, but who are we going to vote now?

eeveelover64 (2020-09-28 01:11:27):

luna's been kinda quiet, i think they are the imposter

abdillahindo (2020-09-28 05:20:48 / 5 stars):


rev3626 (2020-09-28 05:52:30):

Let's vote LunaMaple648.

Unknown author (2020-09-28 08:51:52):

no rev3626 kinda sus

floofyneko69 (2020-09-28 09:13:40):

I've been waiting to know who to vote myself

eeveelover64 (2020-09-28 15:30:05):

i also vote luna

Unknown author (2020-09-28 16:38:03):

@eeveelover64 you're sus i think its you

CursorJAUAN (2020-09-28 18:00:00 / 5 stars):

I am making a among us cursor, I just see it as if it were on your desktop instead of doing it as if I were doing tasks, but I don't know how to publish the pack, can someone help me? :-(

eeveelover64 (2020-09-28 18:26:29):

juan actin' sus

floofyneko69 (2020-09-28 18:56:06):

Everyone check the description before you comment, I promise it'll be worth it

rev3626 (2020-09-28 19:33:00):

It was totally worth it.

Also, I am the 1000th downloader! Whoooooooo! 1000 downloads! :-D

floofyneko69 (2020-09-28 19:34:11):

Thanks so much @rev3626 ! uwu
Are there any cursor set suggestions you want me to make? It might be my official choice by spoopy month! uwu

eeveelover64 (2020-09-28 19:48:51):

maybe halloween cursors? maybe sr pelo inspired ones from the animation he made about spooky month! also, gr8 cursors btw

Unknown author (2020-09-28 21:19:49):


Unknown author (2020-09-28 23:22:14):

hi im its funeh

Owner (2020-09-28 23:31:56 / 5 stars):

if you are going to make a among us cusor 1. give credit 2. make a good job like her 3. do not beg for ppl to use it or for them to give a good reveiew or stars for you

dennis (2020-09-29 02:18:21):

<img src="%3D%3D" alt="Naked Girl - Painting on Canvas"/>


Unknown author (2020-09-29 16:15:29):

WOW 8-)

floofyneko69 (2020-09-29 17:05:00):


NoobGamrrr22 (2020-09-30 10:08:04 / 5 stars):

worth it

Unknown author (2020-09-30 16:29:00):

si no esta rojo no lo descargo :-(

If it's not red, I won't download it

floofyneko69 (2020-09-30 17:45:47):

So you being very sus wanting just imposter

Unknown author (2020-09-30 18:23:17):

among us its funny and this pointer is so awsome!


Unknown author (2020-09-30 22:07:13):

eu como bosta

floofyneko69 (2020-09-30 22:20:52):

que diabos...

Unknown author (2020-10-01 21:56:32):

this is not a hack i download and nothing

floofyneko69 (2020-10-01 22:08:11):

They're legit just cursors on a site dedicated to image customization

Also, I believe we have an IMPOSTER on this site lols, but they mentioned my set as the original, so I thank them for that

floofyneko69 (2020-10-01 23:40:55):

Guess who just got finished with a new featured set that doesn't seem to be going on the front page as of 2:40 pm

floofyneko69 (2020-10-02 03:32:46):

There's not a virus at all, this site is dedicated to image creation and customization, especially in the case of Microsoft app icons and mouse designs

This is literally a way to customize your mouse right here, there's even instructions if you look up how to customize your mouse

Lier (2020-10-02 20:28:20 / 5 stars):


floofyneko69 (2020-10-02 22:04:55):

Welp, this is where my glorious popularity dies off, thanks to everyone for being here to enjoy something I had alot of fun making

eeveelover64 (2020-10-03 00:54:50):

Wdym? Ur legacy will STILL be carried on, no matter what!

floofyneko69 (2020-10-03 01:10:55):

Thanks eeveelover '-w-`

Unknown author (2020-10-03 12:24:20):


eeveelover64 (2020-10-05 16:12:52):

also, (at the time of me writing this) all of the cursors people downloaded separately accumulate to 6,367 downloads

Unknown author (2020-10-05 17:52:49):

What is the Microsoft app so I can ACTUALLY use my cursors?

floofyneko69 (2020-10-05 17:52:55):

Oh my goodness, I REALLY wasn't expecting this much popularity qwq

Also, what do you mean by Microsoft app? It is much simpler than it seems
Settings>Devices>Mouse>Additional Mouse Options
Another window should open up to put the cursors in

eeveelover64 (2020-10-05 21:26:01):

yeah, from there you have to click on pointers, then when you select a role you can either click browse to find the cursor set you unzipped or double-click then same role to do the same thing, then you have to find wherever you extracted the zip folder and select the appropriate role for the cursor and boom!

Unknown author (2020-10-06 05:02:02):


Unknown author (2020-10-06 17:29:51):

how do you set it :-o :-(

Unknown author (2020-10-06 19:50:01):

i got a among us theme now, lmao.... thx so much :-)

Yoon_0117 (2020-10-07 13:58:28):

I'm using it right now and this is so good thx

CursorJAUAN (2020-10-07 23:56:41):

is good,thx for the help

I mean, you wanted to offer me help so that I could learn to publish

Vlazteron (2020-10-08 03:57:19 / 5 stars):

close to 7k downloads! I'm also making my own among us set with red! i will use your red among us cursor to make this, i'll give u credit ;-)

Unknown author (2020-10-08 16:16:33):

I picked the red imposter its adorable im glad its a mouse pointer.

Unknown author (2020-10-08 16:21:17):

Please make one purple

floofyneko69 (2020-10-08 20:11:44):

Thank you Vlazteron. And to the most recent commenter before this one, there is a purple one, its the question mark cursor

CursorJAUAN (2020-10-08 20:39:37):

hey me too ise one:D

If you wonder why I did not put credits, it is because that one has been doing it for a long time, if you do not believe me, you will see with mine it does not have the same design

eeveelover64 (2020-10-09 04:22:22):

6,900 downloads ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

floofyneko69 (2020-10-09 07:02:08):

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

floofyneko69 (2020-10-11 19:30:05):

ok NOW my popularity has suddenly dropped, looks like I won't be reaching 10,000 for a while now

eeveelover64 (2020-10-12 05:54:06):

Eh, it happens, u just gotta be greatful that u have downloads AT ALL, thats what counts, as long as people acknowledge it, and like it, thats all that matters, some attention is better than NO attention.

floofyneko69 (2020-10-12 06:37:53):

That's true, I was just stating the truth because soon I'll probably make a new among us set based off of Among Us 2 when it releases lols

eeveelover64 (2020-10-13 01:56:32):

yeah about that... thats prob. never gunna happen if u read how that went...

floofyneko69 (2020-10-13 23:26:38):

oh no q-q

Unknown author (2020-10-15 16:54:19):

among us pink pls :-) :-)

floofyneko69 (2020-10-15 18:14:45):

Check my newest cursor set for pink

Carby202 (2020-10-15 22:12:28):

ebic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Unknown author (2020-10-16 14:53:13):

red sus

Unknown author (2020-10-19 17:42:43):

has uno de ventilas

floofyneko69 (2020-10-19 18:23:07):

Alguien más ya lo ha hecho, además planeo hacer un nuevo set cuando haya una actualización importante de Among Us.

Unknown author (2020-10-21 01:11:16):

8-) i like but i dont know how it works

Unknown author (2020-10-21 17:01:18):

i like it and im using the cursors 8-)

Unknown author (2020-10-22 00:50:54):

muito bom
8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2020-10-22 19:23:57):


Unknown author (2020-10-27 17:15:36):

nice the boys want it XD

Unknown author (2020-10-28 17:12:31):

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

ahoy everyone i got this tweet here xc

Unknown author (2020-10-29 01:22:27):


Vlazteron (2020-10-29 13:38:45):


floofyneko69 (2020-10-29 20:01:29):


Unknown author (2020-11-01 08:39:59):

lol using this

floofyneko69 (2020-11-02 03:57:31):

welp, someone was being mean and either deleted their comment or got it removed =P

Jakub3rio (2020-11-02 17:26:47 / 5 stars):

Nice cursors! ;-)

Unknown author (2020-11-03 13:50:48):

how to install on windows

i downloaded but am not able to install

floofyneko69 (2020-11-03 14:21:47):

Just go to mouse settings on your computer, click additional mouse settings, and from there you can set your pointers that you download

Unknown author (2020-11-05 06:15:12):

good cursor i almost got caught phew ;-)

Unknown author (2020-11-10 08:57:46):


Unknown author (2020-11-10 18:44:46):

WOW this website is cool :-D

Unknown author (2020-11-12 17:17:23):

registered user
on November 2nd

5 out of 5 stars.

Nice cursors! ;-)

Unknown author (2020-11-19 04:15:32):


SashawithNumberblocks (2020-11-21 09:42:48 / 5 stars):

How to download Among Us Cursors?
Easy! Let's get downloading cursors on the Windows 10 computer! ;-)
Link: http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-downloadset.php?id=among-us

Unknown author (2020-11-30 20:24:51):

:-D ;-) :-)

trash not cool

Unknown author (2020-12-01 19:42:40):

Currently typing with them rn lol! But why does it disappears some time??

It just disappeared again :-(

Unknown author (2020-12-01 20:37:12):


Unknown author (2020-12-02 17:45:31):

This is amazing!

floofyneko69 (2020-12-02 19:41:45):

For the 3rd comment above this one, it's disappearing because that's what mouses do in some devices when you type

Unknown author (2020-12-09 20:59:05):

:-( how do i work it

Unknown author (2020-12-10 07:29:23):

wow its cool :-)

:-) :-) :-) :-)

Insane Games (2020-12-11 23:18:55 / 3 stars):

pretty cool i mean...uhhh idk.

Unknown author (2020-12-18 09:06:42):

έχω κατεβάσει τα πάντα ;-) :-ΡΕ :-ΡΕ

1000000 στα 5

Unknown author (2020-12-28 22:41:46):

The cursors are kinda confusing

Sprinklescakey (2020-12-29 07:37:11):

thaths cool

Unknown author (2020-12-29 10:45:41):

cooool btw

Unknown author (2021-01-05 13:32:31):


Unknown author (2021-01-21 16:09:32):

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2021-01-26 17:25:05):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2021-01-28 15:09:43):

play Among us after this, its really to play Among us with these cursers

Unknown author (2021-02-01 23:14:42):

I got the cat one from this website and I am obsessed-

Unknown author (2021-02-04 12:31:41):

wow cool
:-D 8-)

Unknown author (2021-02-09 03:28:13):

i hate it

yourcomputerhasdied (2021-02-11 01:15:14 / 5 stars):

red sus

Unknown author (2021-02-22 14:57:48):

Wow cool

Unknown author (2021-02-23 11:11:37):

:-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2021-03-01 23:20:29):


its ok

darix555 (2021-03-06 18:20:35 / 5 stars):

i love among us!!! icon-image/16686-16x16x32.png image 8-)

Unknown author (2021-03-09 04:28:07):

Amogus. RED SUS

Unknown author (2021-03-10 16:15:51):

its so cool 8-) 8-) i like the game among us

Dark23AD09 (2021-03-10 22:41:04):

me hubiera gustado una de un impostor moviendose

Unknown author (2021-03-16 16:59:15):

among us is sussy

Unknown author (2021-03-19 19:02:39):

i hate this thing |-)

Unknown author (2021-03-24 22:49:14):

it works!!!!!1

Unknown author (2021-04-05 10:27:56):

bobs 8-)

Unknown author (2021-04-13 11:22:20):

i love sussy :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(


Unknown author (2021-04-13 11:28:52):

8-) 8-) 8-) lovely cursors

Unknown author (2021-04-13 22:34:03):


Unknown author (2021-04-20 01:19:02):

sussy baka

Unknown author (2021-04-22 09:30:12):


Unknown author (2021-04-24 21:32:36):

:-D 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2021-04-26 06:42:07):

sussy imposter

꧁ Ryjerun ꧂ (2021-05-07 06:24:03 / 1.5 stars):

Nice..But No animation |-)

Unknown author (2021-05-09 02:09:32):

this is sus 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2021-05-12 00:46:07):


Unknown author (2021-05-27 14:41:40):


Unknown author (2021-06-18 11:34:54):

omg these are the best

Unknown author (2021-06-24 16:42:50):

really sus ;-)

Unknown author (2021-07-07 07:56:55):

sussy baka graham if u see this ur gay

Unknown author (2021-07-09 08:43:57):


Unknown author (2021-07-14 17:51:42):

sus among us

Unknown author (2021-07-25 19:48:42):

sus penis

Unknown author (2021-08-11 02:26:23):


Unknown author (2021-08-17 11:37:57):


Unknown author (2021-08-20 16:37:51):

ich liebe among us :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2021-08-31 00:01:15):


Unknown author (2021-09-01 18:58:17):

what :-o


Unknown author (2021-09-13 00:23:11):



Unknown author (2021-09-13 05:39:18):

quàu this thing is amazing good job

Unknown author (2021-09-24 12:32:29):

stop posting about amogus

Unknown author (2021-09-27 12:19:40):

i need help

Unknown author (2021-10-03 13:45:50):

sussy baka

Unknown author (2021-10-04 20:01:02):

so sussy :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Unknown author (2021-10-17 16:45:44):

Как поставить этю курсор пж

Unknown author (2021-10-18 11:29:03):

sus 8-)

Unknown author (2021-10-22 21:09:55):

8-) sus my bus your cus you bus full of pus

Unknown author (2021-11-01 03:00:41):


Unknown author (2021-11-18 12:12:42):

my family has left me but at least I have amogus cursor

Unknown author (2021-12-02 01:39:51):

bruh why is this cursor pack dont have alternate and link select...

floofyneko69 (2021-12-02 17:38:38):

Gray crewmate is the alternate cuz I didn't have anything better at the time, and Red imposter is link, location, and person select respectively

Unknown author (2021-12-08 11:40:38):

can u make henry stickmin?

TonyLikeCur :> (2021-12-21 02:01:48 / 5 stars):

Sussy baka 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

:-D 8-) :-D 8-)

Unknown author (2022-01-18 09:25:22):


Unknown author (2022-03-05 05:37:47):


Unknown author (2022-05-11 20:13:30):


Unknown author (2022-06-16 16:01:02):




Unknown author (2022-06-24 02:35:59):

sus |-)

Unknown author (2022-06-25 17:40:20):


Unknown author (2022-06-26 10:08:33):

sus :-o

Unknown author (2022-07-29 14:07:08):


Unknown author (2022-08-23 01:48:11):


Unknown author (2022-08-31 22:22:58):

sus but dick likey


Unknown author (2022-09-01 03:58:59):


Unknown author (2022-09-07 18:43:44):


Unknown author (2022-09-09 13:08:32):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2022-09-10 04:30:06):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2022-09-12 09:17:45):


Unknown author (2022-09-19 12:40:17):


Unknown author (2022-09-23 13:55:13):


Unknown author (2022-10-20 00:03:28):


sussy bakaaa emo

Unknown author (2022-11-07 16:17:10):

amogus 8-)

Unknown author (2022-11-14 16:52:46):


Unknown author (2022-11-16 12:49:52):

sussy baka

SCG-1171 (2022-11-19 06:49:56):


Unknown author (2022-11-28 05:43:20):


Unknown author (2023-01-07 18:59:04):

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-( :-( :-( :-o :-o :-o 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2023-01-22 16:12:56):

8-) sussy

Unknown author (2023-02-12 07:43:05):

i love these cursors :-D

Unknown author (2023-02-15 01:03:14):


Unknown author (2023-03-06 19:29:01):


Unknown author (2023-03-29 19:50:31):

l bozo

Unknown author (2023-06-01 18:55:05):


Unknown author (2023-07-18 01:31:36):

AmOnG uS BoBy

Unknown author (2023-08-28 04:31:25):

lets go sussy

Unknown author (2023-10-22 01:37:32):


Unknown author (2023-10-29 20:22:59):


Unknown author (2024-06-06 04:31:37):


Unknown author (2024-08-07 21:59:17):

its a virus 100%

Unknown author (2024-09-17 17:42:42):

bruh boii ain't no way boiiiiii!!!!

Unknown author (2024-11-25 02:11:31):


Unknown author (2024-12-12 15:07:43):

E virus rapaziada?

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