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Lier (2020-11-02 06:52:26):

¡Gracias! :-D

RIDDLER (2020-11-02 08:44:14 / 5 stars):

This is a very beautiful rainbow set. You should of released this set on Halloween.

Unknown author (2020-11-02 16:17:29):

8-) preety cool

Lier (2020-11-03 00:53:53):

RIDDLER Thanks for the review! Yes, I know, but I couldn't :-(

Thanks Anonymous! :-)

Unknown author (2020-11-04 01:50:36):


Unknown author (2020-11-04 17:50:31):

really nice and Halloweeny

Lier (2020-11-05 01:04:13):

Thanks! I really appreciate it! :-)

Unknown author (2020-11-05 04:51:56):

i like it! OwO

Unknown author (2020-11-05 21:59:24):

nu c usarlo, tipo, lo descargué, pero no c como activarlo como cursos predeterminado.

Lier (2020-11-06 03:35:42):

En Configuración > Dispositivos > Mouse > Opciones adicionales del mouse > Punteros.

Ya de ahí seleccionas cada uno y le vas agregando los cursores que asigne, igual hay muchos tutoriales sobre eso...
¡Espero haberte ayudado! :-)
Unknown author (2020-11-06 19:25:17):

im braziliam and this cursor are amazing
can we made a collab?

Lier (2020-11-06 21:24:29):

I don't know how the collabs work, can you explain me?

Unknown author (2020-11-10 22:31:41):

how do you do it

Lier (2020-11-11 05:29:09):

I did it with the RealWorld Cursor Editor program

nplays (2020-11-12 18:05:09 / 5 stars):

hmmmmmmmmm GREAT :-D

Lier (2020-11-12 22:01:43):

Thank you very much! :-D

Unknown author (2020-11-13 16:41:34):

can you explain you

can i explain you in my dik

Unknown author (2020-11-13 22:31:10):

its great! thank you so much

Unknown author (2020-11-14 04:28:02):

wowow like it im just 7 years old I change my mouse look 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :-D :-)

Unknown author (2020-12-17 21:43:58):

these fucking suck. i hate them. nah, jk. they're awesome!!

Unknown author (2021-01-12 08:13:31):

6 out of 5 stars :-)

Phantom (2021-01-20 21:15:29 / 5 stars):

hi! I like this pack, I find it really hard to animate bc I'm not allowed to use the rw programs, so I use a paint dot net plugin thingy... good job!

Lier (2021-01-24 05:02:03):

Thank you all for your comments! Thanks for the support! :-D :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2021-02-04 10:03:06):

I love these ;-)

Unknown author (2021-02-15 20:20:00):

:-o :-o :-D :-D :-D :-D ;-) ;-)

rae<3 (2021-02-19 20:34:59):

woahh, its really pretty<3

Unknown author (2021-03-11 16:56:27):

i dont know about these cursores none of them look cool

RainbowCursors (2021-03-12 03:27:51):

Shut up Anonymous, these cursor look awesome, and I like em' OwO.

inactive account (2021-03-19 23:03:59 / 5 stars):

Great cursors. I haven't seen a lot of skull cursors in rw-designer.

Unknown author (2021-06-02 23:31:07):

solo me gusto el lapisito rgb

Unknown author (2021-06-09 16:06:46):

me gusto

Unknown author (2021-11-03 23:35:08):

fofo :-D :-D

Diamond (2021-11-15 23:23:01 / 5 stars):

these are great! I like the animations and the rainbow colour! just one thing, maybe make the animations smoother? otherwise, nice job! :-D

Unknown author (2021-12-01 09:47:34):

i like this ones


madazine (2022-02-05 17:38:15 / 5 stars):

awesome ..

Unknown author (2022-02-05 18:51:23):

dude this is sweeeet
jus add a few more frames to make it smoother

Metro (2022-02-25 14:44:45 / 0.5 stars):


Skyblack (2022-03-26 06:48:52 / 5 stars):

Wow, Nice

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-05-01 17:29:21 / 4.5 stars):

I like the colors
i like the animations on the cursors
its similar to rgb or multicolor set
Hotspot are good on point but not
all rol are complete , location and person
select are missing :c
im so sorry for not review this before
fix that and i upgrade my rate to 5 stars uwu

have nice day icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

btw i love the set and the cows one hehe

KittyUwU (2022-05-01 19:17:51 / 4.5 stars):


baby (2022-05-01 19:20:16 / 5 stars):



Henry vntv (2022-06-16 16:19:06 / 5 stars):

icon-image/24255-16x16x32.png image icon-image/24255-16x16x32.png image icon-image/24255-16x16x32.png image cool :-D

Unknown author (2022-09-05 04:11:54):

mimi destino shut up bastard

Unknown author (2022-09-08 16:29:17):

rule 34 xd

Unknown author (2022-10-29 10:05:35):

this is awesome, very clean :-)

Helldude (2023-05-03 13:01:29 / 5 stars):

wow girl this set it super cute and so odd than other's you have good creativity keep up your good work.

Unknown author (2023-05-14 00:17:15):

I think the move and the vertical resize cursors fit more to be the precision and text select.

astro.mp3 (2023-11-21 20:26:38 / 5 stars):

icon-image/24255-16x16x32.png image icon-image/24255-16x16x32.png image icon-image/24255-16x16x32.png imagecool :-D

Unknown author (2024-06-09 13:48:10):


LegionEagles22 (2024-09-19 01:35:25 / 4.5 stars):

very cute! goes well with an emo/alternative theme.

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