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shri (2021-02-03 07:28:24):

it has all types so nothing is missing

Phantom (2021-02-03 13:28:57 / 5 stars):

These are pretty good!
the only concern is the size of the diagonal cursors, if they can be a bit smaller?
other than that these are fine :-)

Insane Games (2021-02-03 18:21:38 / 4 stars):

The diagonal cursors are a bit toooooooooo big maybe you could fix that? Other than that its AMAZING!!

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-02-03 19:22:18 / 3 stars):

Everything is a bit too fast, and the diagonal resizes are +too big. 3/5 for this one, sorry!

Unknown author (2021-02-03 23:06:13):

my eyes hurt ;-;, though good work! :-D

RIDDLER (2021-02-03 23:14:08 / 5 stars):

That's a fantastic animated rainbow cursor set.

shri (2021-02-04 03:59:22):

ok ill make diagonal smaller

shri (2021-02-04 05:20:41):

made the diagonals small

well thanks for the comments!

Phantom (2021-02-04 14:40:19):

thanks for fixing heres you five!!!

Dark_Samus (2021-02-05 04:19:26 / 5 stars):

just take it...

Nikdo (2021-02-05 11:01:06):

Please fix Diagonal resize 1 and 2 lines and Unavailable hotspot. It's good set, but can be better!

shri (2021-02-26 04:29:06):

i fixed the hotspot so i think its final
im also putting a rainbow slow animated set

Unknown author (2022-12-26 00:30:01):

8-) i like it but kinda need more lightnong ;-)


shri (2024-12-16 07:48:18):

hi guys

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