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Unknown author (2021-03-06 22:07:10):

eu baixei a versao azul e amarela e amei, vc pode completar essa versao tbm? :-)

Unknown author (2021-03-07 20:47:50):

por favor completa esse/pls make a full version of this this

RIDDLER (2021-04-02 22:39:14 / 5 stars):

What a shame you did not complete that green-cyan cursor set. If you did finish it, the value of this cursor set would be much more appreciated by other users on this site.

Unknown author (2021-04-19 01:54:39):

pls make the rest of the cursors
por favor faz o resto dos mouses

Unknown author (2021-08-22 15:48:51):


riddler man

Unknown author (2021-10-28 12:49:39):

mouse pointer sorry :-( day no ok

Unknown author (2021-12-07 18:31:18):

This mouse pointer looks cool and there is only 5 cursors which that could be okay :-)

Unknown author (2021-12-23 21:53:32):

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Unknown author (2022-05-25 03:26:36):


Unknown author (2022-06-02 18:45:41):

Anonymouse-Logged in.
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Unknown author (2023-11-27 16:58:29):

this is sooooooooooooo good :-)

Unknown author (2024-05-31 13:02:58):


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