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ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-02 21:02:33 / 0.5 stars):

nice green


make sure type in this link or copy it jommans.deviantart.com

TacoBloxCursors (2021-04-02 21:26:07 / 1 stars):


ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-02 21:41:57):

https://www.google.com/search?q=Kinergety+Cursors+2sets&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS936US936&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjslea5pODvAhXSXc0KHUzMATMQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1242&bih=545#imgrc=PNQavrYQyYhY8M copy this and click click thee line of the image


and reupload it to this website

RIDDLER (2021-04-02 22:35:05 / 5 stars):

This lime green cursor set is superb. The color is fantastic and the hotspots are in the perfect place. Well done.

darix555 (2021-04-03 09:51:34):

thank you very much!!! icon-image/14492-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14492-16x16x32.png image

Maclover, please stop advertising! icon-image/14478-16x16x32.png image

ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-03 20:23:10):

its not advertising its a favor

not advertising its a favor

darix555 (2021-04-04 19:42:16):

ok i didnt know cool

ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-05 02:45:47):


ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-05 14:03:22):

ok nvm

Unknown author (2021-04-06 13:41:59):

How can i make my own cursor than upload it?


I like the cursor btw imma download it

Unknown author (2021-04-07 12:45:47):

hola minyooooo

Unknown author (2021-04-08 10:05:16):

cool 8-) :-D

RIDDLER (2021-06-07 23:08:32):


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