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RIDDLER (2021-04-17 16:02:55):

Pink is for girls. Oxy-Neon Pink look.

RIDDLER (2021-04-17 16:07:22):

I like this color.

RIDDLER (2021-04-17 16:08:06):

This pink will attract many female downloaders.

Unknown author (2021-04-23 22:34:49):

its not just for girls lmao...i like this!

Unknown author (2021-05-24 01:57:28):


RIDDLER (2021-05-24 12:10:45):

I am happy that you like this cursor set. Its all nice and pink.

Unknown author (2021-06-02 13:25:32):

i'm gunna use this cursor and be homosexual

RIDDLER (2021-06-02 17:18:21):

Use this cursor set as you please. I am not a homosexual. I am straight and like beautiful girls.

Unknown author (2021-09-06 01:51:37):

mds só tem comentario estranho;-; :-(

RIDDLER (2021-09-06 02:50:57):

Please speak in English so that I can understand you. Remember to be polite as well.

Unknown author (2021-09-11 17:47:32):

lol pink isn't just for girls XD

RIDDLER (2021-09-12 13:07:40):

Pink is mainly for girls but for any gender.

Unknown author (2021-09-13 19:50:09):

Thanks so much for this! I love it! I'm a girl and I've been looking for pink cursors EVERYWHERE! I finally found the perfect cursor, thanks very much, Riddler!

RIDDLER (2021-09-14 15:01:09):

You are welcome to use this pink cursor set. Thank you so much for giving me your gender. I like girls and would like to see more of them here.

Unknown author (2022-01-20 01:16:47):

im not a girl but this is perfect

RIDDLER (2022-01-20 21:15:46):

This is perfectly pink. True pink that is.

Unknown author (2022-03-30 02:16:16):

My very favorite color is pink! Every pink color! Especially this one! I'm a girl and this is perfect for my laptop!! Thank you! I like your other Oxy's as well.

RIDDLER (2022-03-30 08:02:13):

I am glad to know that you are a girl and likes pink. I also like pink as well. However, my favourite color out of all of them is green.

Unknown author (2022-04-21 11:43:59):

it was god tho for girls

RIDDLER (2022-04-23 04:51:38):

Girl pink.

Unknown author (2023-10-16 12:13:10):

im a boy and i like this :-)

RIDDLER (2023-10-17 17:46:45):

You have the right to like it. I am glad you like pink cursors. I like pink cursors too. I am also a male.

Unknown author (2024-05-18 03:01:15):

I loveeeeeee your cursor design! ;-) ;-) ;-) :-D

RIDDLER (2024-05-18 05:39:43):

I like this pinky one too.

Unknown author (2024-05-26 11:22:50):

im definitely gonna use this for atleast a few months

RIDDLER (2024-05-26 21:36:51):

Use it for as long as you wish.

Unknown author (2025-02-05 22:24:00):

how do we install it onto our laptop??

RIDDLER (2025-02-06 15:28:19):

Just download it from the big download button above. Then extract all the cursors from the zip file. Then assign each cursor role from your Additional Mouse Pointer Options to assign the cursors individually. Easy. Go ahead. Good luck.

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