RIDDLER (2021-04-17 16:52:42):
Red is a good color for this series of cursors. RIDDLER (2021-04-17 17:17:58):
Red is nice. I like thick borders for these type of cursors. RIDDLER (2021-04-17 17:22:47):
I do like thick borders like this is well. Transparent fills with colored borders brings an opposite feel to what we are usually used to. Unknown author (2021-06-25 02:46:08):
Parabéns pelo seu empenho, estes cursores são realmente muito bons, você conseguiu juntar uma cor que se destaca no cenário que poucos fazem isso e juntou com um estilo de uma borda grossas e o interior transparente, muito bom mesmo, parabéns amigo
RIDDLER (2021-06-25 05:11:02):
Unknown author (2021-07-23 22:26:09):
e guys this cursor is soo cool like before I was into gaming cursor and before I was into mac cursor and now I'm into this one RIDDLER (2021-07-23 23:13:20):
This cursor set is good for gaming. This is fun to use. Unknown author (2023-01-05 10:32:22):
Pizza Pizza Good Good RIDDLER (2023-01-06 21:05:28):
You are right. Those dazzling cursors looks like a slice of pizza. Those Oxy-Neon Red cursors definitely looks like a good pizza to eat. Yay, lets eat some pizza folks. Unknown author (2023-01-19 07:23:10):
ok RIDDLER (2023-01-20 08:20:09):
Unknown author (2023-11-21 14:17:27):
cool RIDDLER (2023-11-22 01:07:10):
I like the red theme. Unknown author (2024-01-17 13:05:25):
cool RIDDLER (2024-01-18 20:57:09):
Amazingly dazzling. |