RIDDLER (2021-05-12 23:10:26):
This lime green halo cursor set is exciting. RIDDLER (2021-05-12 23:11:06):
The excitement comes from the lime green halos. RIDDLER (2021-05-12 23:12:13):
That is true because the lime green halos is what gives a color appearance to the cursors. The cursors themselves in this series are white. Simply white cursors. Pablo (2021-06-30 11:50:47):
WOW thank you!! this cursor has helped my poor eyesight no end. I have a double screen setup and sometimes finding my arrow is very difficult, this is great RIDDLER (2021-06-30 18:42:52):
Lime green does help with the eyes. Double screens are make it difficult to track your cursor. I understand that. Unknown author (2021-09-07 19:23:04):
Thask me sirvio de mucho esta super cool el cursor quisiera que esto tuviera mas cosas haci y apoyo esta pagina es super cool con los mouse RIDDLER (2021-09-08 07:54:25):
Unknown author (2023-04-04 03:42:03):
RIDDLER (2023-04-04 19:03:52):
Unknown author (2023-11-17 09:01:18):
gg I Donot like this its small RIDDLER (2023-11-17 22:11:32):
I do like it. Its an average size. 17 cursors. ~alexandra (2024-08-13 15:16:23 / 5 stars):
I love these icons so much, It is useful when I want to record video because the cursor is clear RIDDLER (2024-08-13 18:25:03):
Those are not icons. They are cursors. I agree with you that this cursor set helps pinpoint to focusing where the cursor is located on screen when making videos. The cursor is clear and highlighted with this lime green cursor set. I have other coloured highlighted cursors as well. Corben (2024-10-24 09:29:35 / 5 stars):
im late but 4 RIDDLER (2024-10-25 00:01:29):