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Unknown author (2021-09-26 20:11:52):

cool :-) :-) :-)

RIDDLER (2021-09-26 22:39:04 / 5 stars):

Those are cool mouse pointers. Please do not copy other mouse pointers by other users.

Unknown author (2021-09-27 02:46:04):

you copied others cursors that's not cool man

Unknown author (2021-09-27 03:32:37):

Wow,this aveasome and have very simple to change the pointer and also this website have very beuatiful mouse pointers. :-D

Unknown author (2021-09-27 05:04:48):

Wow nice cursors thank you for creating :-D

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-09-27 08:28:48 / 0.5 stars):


It's ok to copy if you have credits from the original author you don't have credits right? icon-image/14478-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14478-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14478-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14478-16x16x32.png image icon-image/22926-16x16x32.png image icon-image/22926-16x16x32.png image icon-image/22926-16x16x32.png image icon-image/22926-16x16x32.png image icon-image/22914-16x16x32.png image icon-image/22914-16x16x32.png image icon-image/22914-16x16x32.png image :-( :-( :-( :-( :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o

Sanvi(Ally) (2021-09-27 13:10:33 / 1 stars):

except for pink and purple neon cursors all are the worst thats why my rating is 1 star but overall lava all your cursor designs

Unknown author (2021-09-27 13:28:22):

original for pink: http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/pinkneonglassmd

copying is straight up an arsehole move my guy, don't do it again <3

✧ • Skyler • ✧ (2021-09-27 16:11:08 / 0.5 stars):

No se copia wey >:<

Unknown author (2021-09-28 02:15:06):

sise copiaaaaaaaaa

Unknown author (2021-09-28 16:17:47):

i really like them

Unknown author (2021-09-28 17:50:16):

they cool

Unknown author (2021-09-28 18:23:58):

dosent work for me :-(

Unknown author (2021-09-29 00:51:26):

: -o : -o : -o : -o : -o : -o : -o : -o : -o : -o :-( :-( :-D :-D | -)yamete kudasai

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-09-29 06:13:06 / 0.5 stars):

Please use the description box
to give credits , thanks .

Unknown author (2021-09-29 08:34:01):

from my school hey guys

Unknown author (2021-09-29 09:06:14):

Naber kardes

Unknown author (2021-09-29 12:14:46):

Worked just check out this video u will understand-
:-D :-D Helpful

Unknown author (2021-09-29 20:14:46):

:-(nao deu no meu :-(

Unknown author (2021-09-30 08:26:28):

Cool 8-)

Unknown author (2021-10-06 05:00:10):

응 너 바보



이런 씨팔

Social Queen (2021-10-07 04:29:57 / 0.5 stars):

Please use the description box
to give credits , thanks .

Unknown author (2021-10-30 05:59:49):

red yellow cyan and green are stolen

Unknown author (2022-04-11 14:54:10):

bem legal esses cursores vou também baixar do among us parabéns para o criador desse cursor ;-) ;-)

Unknown author (2022-04-20 02:27:20):


Unknown author (2022-04-21 19:58:44):

nada sus n deve ter virus n kk :-o :-o :-o

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-05-14 17:16:53):

credits: http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/purpleneonglassmd

Unknown author (2022-10-27 09:35:55):

에휴 개새끼들 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 겁나 못하누 이 개새끼들 겁나 못만드네 이 개새끼들 너네 좆같이 생겼네 이 개새끼들 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Humerilla (2023-06-06 18:56:05 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2023-07-25 18:56:02):



Unknown author (2024-01-18 18:03:49):

which one is the best?

Unknown author (2024-04-01 15:46:06):


Unknown author (2024-09-25 14:07:29):


Unknown author (2025-02-10 08:54:35):

hello hmm i want to ask that how to download it
i have downloaded it but i cant put the pointers now

Unknown author (2025-03-04 01:12:46):

very good cursor

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