Unknown author (2021-10-05 20:04:59):
Cute xXLucas cursorsXx (2021-10-05 20:11:17):
Unknown author (2021-10-05 21:13:33):
perfect for EMOS and for Halloween ig xXLucas cursorsXx (2021-10-05 21:56:10):
ty Unknown author (2021-10-06 15:15:20):
So cool! But im trying to figure out how to make it my mouse. Unknown author (2021-10-08 22:42:31):
Unknown author (2021-10-31 07:14:37):
yall go to settings and type mosue and additional mouse and brose and chose anything from downloads hope it helped monmon (2021-11-06 10:19:14 / 4 stars):
ADORABLE!!! absolutely adore them hey there anon i hope the stuff im going to write helps you: the best way to install custom cursors IMO without it disappearing everytime you power up your laptop would be to create a folder in you cursor file in your C drive. then you copy-paste the downloaded cursors in this folder. then, if youre using windows 10, go to settings, devices, touchpad and a pop-up will appear. hope this helps! Unknown author (2022-04-19 05:09:44):
Kite (2022-10-07 04:31:09 / 5 stars):
love these Halloween curses.. umm I mean cursors :* Kite (2023-04-08 17:04:12):
Unknown author (2023-09-15 18:35:13):
spill ur guts and 10 Years Ago, I Died |