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 AKGAMER (2021-11-26 08:21:14):

These cursors are made by me. i have literally purchased ChromeOS and made these.

Unknown author (2021-11-26 10:06:03):

I love ITTT!!

Unknown author (2021-11-26 12:48:05):

THANK YOU IM LOOKING FOR SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D :-D :-D

 AKGAMER (2021-11-26 14:25:27):

No Problem.

♣Aworld♣ (2021-11-26 14:31:43 / 5 stars):

Nice! i like the style on this cursors, keep making more cursors sets like this one! :-D

Unknown author (2021-11-26 17:35:23):


Unknown author (2021-11-27 03:38:25):

perfectly designed!

RIDDLER (2021-11-27 04:37:49 / 5 stars):

Goodness me. I have seen this cursor set many times here on this website.

._. (2021-11-27 17:31:10):

Thankz i waz lukin' 4 deez 4 so loung!!1

GeorgiosNexus (2021-11-27 17:45:31 / 5 stars):

perfectly designed! 8-)

 AKGAMER (2021-11-28 16:56:35):

@._. please rate.

Oh and RIDDLER these cursors were never published to this website so yea.

Unknown author (2021-11-29 14:41:47):

Ese cursor se puede hacer pintando el puntero y achicanndolo

Unknown author (2021-11-29 22:47:12):

can you help

Unknown author (2021-11-30 09:35:22):

응 씨발 별로

Unknown author (2021-12-03 00:16:00):

amazing job! :-D

Unknown author (2021-12-26 03:30:29):


Unknown author (2022-02-13 09:40:08):

Blue one - http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/chrome-os-blue

Unknown author (2022-02-13 18:50:38):


Unknown author (2022-02-19 18:09:31):

8-) good

Unknown author (2022-06-17 17:28:51):

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) :-D :-D :-) KGF 3 AND RRR 2

Unknown author (2022-07-06 17:35:26):


Unknown author (2022-10-05 00:01:56):

How to use for win10?

Unknown author (2022-10-09 03:24:35):

whats next? android x86 cursors?

Unknown author (2023-03-28 00:30:26):

why are you calling it that over a cursor dude?

Unknown author (2023-08-08 14:16:20):

what is this comments section

Unknown author (2023-09-18 18:19:50):


Unknown author (2023-10-19 01:42:37):



Unknown author (2023-11-03 20:52:36):

Thank you :-D :-D

Thanks :-D :-D

Thx :-)

Unknown author (2023-11-14 05:38:17):

the wib & busy is not there

Unknown author (2023-11-15 04:37:07):

Dude chill

Unknown author (2023-11-19 22:38:28):

how to install fleur?

Unknown author (2023-11-20 19:04:54):

:-( gay

Unknown author (2023-11-25 06:59:29):


Unknown author (2023-12-08 19:14:31):


Unknown author (2024-03-27 20:20:08):

aaaa beach

Unknown author (2024-06-11 09:59:11):


Xsty4843 (2024-07-14 03:25:49 / 5 stars):

YES :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Bl3ssed (2024-09-22 11:11:22 / 5 stars):

thx for the hardwork u put into the the cursor

Unknown author (2024-11-30 13:49:57):

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

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