Unknown author (2021-12-02 13:05:18):
can you make the enachated axe plz BAZZI (2021-12-02 14:46:09):
no, sorry amigos i need a break for a month, but i will make one after my break, and i add the pickaxe to this set. pls wait i mean axe* BAZZI (2021-12-02 15:31:56):
Ah yes, there ya go nvm i can make it now cuz u need it now right? lol.. Unknown author (2021-12-02 17:00:11):
bruh this is so cool i am using all of em BAZZI (2021-12-03 01:43:13):
thanks btw pls rate the cursors
BAZZI (2021-12-03 02:14:08):
i added Trident, enjoy!~ Unknown author (2021-12-03 13:53:28):
Sorry but when your done with your break could you add a crossbow please - ive searched everywhere and could not find one. (you dont have to do this) BAZZI (2021-12-03 14:40:11):
the crossbow is hardddd, but ill do my best BAZZI (2021-12-04 04:09:09):
here ya go!, Enchanted Crossbow BAZZI (2021-12-04 05:00:49):
i added Swords too, enjoy!~ Unknown author (2021-12-04 15:44:24):
YOU THA BEST MAN Pyrid (2021-12-04 17:42:11 / 5 stars):
Unknown author (2021-12-04 22:47:12):
woah, why does no one making enchanted item, this is the only one dude Unknown author (2021-12-04 23:58:44):
can you make a mining enchanted diamond pickaxe BAZZI (2021-12-05 05:02:20):
dude its extra hard for making a movement for me the trident is easy cuz it's only a rod, but the swinging axe or pickaxe is hard, sure i can but the quality will be lower BAZZI (2021-12-05 06:16:56):
its done, but the Pickaxe is in low quality Unknown author (2021-12-05 15:56:22):
np sorry Pyrid (2021-12-06 14:36:07 / 5 stars):
can you make a enchanted netherite sword, axe and pickaxe nibbler (2021-12-06 19:59:18 / 5 stars):
I like it! BAZZI (2021-12-07 01:33:10):
thank you for Rating, im so happy idk why ah yes lemme try the netherite one LeadR (2021-12-07 14:05:43 / 4 stars):
This cursor set made me ten times better at minecraft skywars, trust me. Using this cursor set was the best decision ever, very cool. BAZZI (2021-12-07 14:16:24):
thankyou LeadR i hope you feel the shining items Unknown author (2021-12-07 14:37:40):
can u copy the mining diamond pickaxe and do it for the enchanted netherite one can u also make the netherite sword do a swipe and the netherite axe have a little sparkle where it is sharp plz BAZZI (2021-12-08 01:31:27):
u can see my answer here and this Unknown author (2021-12-08 05:28:28):
aww... BAZZI (2021-12-08 06:43:11):
yes pickaxe? sure. but i felt the netehrite is colourless... but i cant make the mining animation look the same as diamond one Unknown author (2021-12-09 01:23:05):
thx can make the diamond axe BAZZI (2021-12-09 01:50:20):
lol i forgot to add the diamond axe Unknown author (2021-12-15 13:10:32):
What about a netherite axe? BAZZI (2021-12-17 10:53:38):
netherite axe=just a dark mode of iron axe, i already made it but i didnt put the "Netherite axe" name ♣Aworld♣ (2021-12-17 17:24:45 / 5 stars):
nice cursors! i really like them BAZZI (2021-12-18 16:49:13):
Thanks the comment! i really like them Unknown author (2021-12-21 16:53:02):
these cursors are awesome especially Netherite enchanted sword all this too I was with just an enchanted diamond sword with no enchanting animations tysm (thank you so much) Sorry that too is time a little spelling mistake Unknown author (2021-12-21 19:26:30):
hii can you make a the diamond enchanted sword do a slashing animation with the grey air slash thing that looks like a cresent. BAZZI (2021-12-22 02:36:44):
hmmm lemme try, thank you for your request, ill make it for ppl BAZZI (2021-12-22 07:04:31):
for u gois* BAZZI (2021-12-23 08:32:09):
done.. Unknown author (2021-12-24 04:33:04):
hey thanks dude for making this type of cursors!! BAZZI (2021-12-25 01:38:36):
im sorry that i only made units, not sets Unknown author (2021-12-26 12:20:26):
i have to pick one by one i can do all at once Unknown author (2021-12-29 02:55:11):
Unknown author (2022-01-05 11:31:59):
can you make a spaceflight simulator cursor from the game spaceflight simulator BAZZI (2022-01-06 01:49:57):
sorry, i don't play spaceflight simulator Unknown author (2022-01-16 11:17:41):
hi can u make a sword stabbing a zombie? Unknown author (2022-01-23 13:06:39):
wow Unknown author (2022-01-28 10:51:16):
pls make a baby zombie riding ona chicken with diamond enchanted sword BAZZI (2022-01-29 04:28:19):
wat, no dude, i cant make cursors with mobs Unknown author (2022-02-02 12:42:01):
so cool Unknown author (2022-02-03 20:01:15):
so cool madazine (2022-02-05 11:52:34):
awesome.. Unknown author (2022-02-07 07:40:25):
i love the cursors BAZZI (2022-02-07 07:46:39):
thanks a lot buddy Unknown author (2022-02-11 00:46:13):
These are the best minecraft cursors I could find ! Thanks a lot ! Wow, so cool ! Unknown author (2022-02-19 06:43:16):
Unknown author (2022-02-21 20:38:15):
I love it. Unknown author (2022-02-22 04:12:06):
awesome and i use these now all the time Unknown author (2022-02-23 09:00:21):
Unknown author (2022-03-01 11:26:24):
BAZZI (2022-03-02 02:06:46):
are you the same person lol Unknown author (2022-03-05 11:55:11):
جدا ممتاز :-د :-د :-د :-د :-د Unknown author (2022-03-10 04:40:04):
can the creator makes the Link select enchanted netherite shovel ? can u make enchanted netherite axe ? Unknown author (2022-03-17 02:43:46):
so good Unknown author (2022-03-18 07:11:41):
Soooo good Unknown author (2022-03-21 04:29:03):
yes the y rock Unknown author (2022-04-01 13:57:30):
so cool Unknown author (2022-04-07 20:41:16):
omg I love these! wow these are awesome! can you make animated netherite? and armor Jp (2022-04-21 13:31:54):
yes Unknown author (2022-04-22 03:00:39):
Cool Unknown author (2022-05-06 03:30:54):
FullMassa (o- o)-b Unknown author (2022-05-13 02:44:09):
Wowowowowwwwwwwwwwww Sun_l1ght (2022-06-26 18:43:55):
Cool! love it Unknown author (2022-08-08 04:29:14):
really well made and not very blurred. animation needs work, but is still very good. i say 8/10. Unknown author (2022-08-11 22:41:13):
i love it thanks!!!!! Unknown author (2022-08-14 09:13:50):
Unknown author (2022-08-18 18:50:38):
Amazing, I have browsed through all 187 channels and this is truly a hidden jem Unknown author (2022-09-14 19:31:16):
ratio Unknown author (2022-09-25 02:05:58):
very nice!i like this Unknown author (2022-09-30 12:04:54):
10.000000000000000000000000000\10 Unknown author (2022-10-16 14:58:10):
It's perfect!!! Unknown author (2022-10-23 08:59:49):
thx bro for this now im cool Unknown author (2022-11-02 03:38:25):
what the crap Zombie11Amongus (2022-11-28 19:40:29):
this is the best stuff you can get from Minecraft cursers. 10000000000 stars for you! Unknown author (2022-11-29 02:53:39):
Ñ Unknown author (2022-12-23 11:24:12):
kool SCG-1171 (2023-01-13 05:14:00 / 5 stars):
I love Minecraft and this set too. Unknown author (2023-01-19 05:03:49):
best pack on existence Unknown author (2023-01-19 15:46:30):
i like it Eliot (2023-02-18 23:06:24 / 5 stars):
Very smooth animations! Unknown author (2023-03-03 02:45:55):
Unknown author (2023-03-04 10:33:51):
this is so cute Unknown author (2023-03-17 01:23:39):
sooooo coooooooooooool! Unknown author (2023-03-28 04:09:49):
ok I like it I will give you a million dollars if you make more Unknown author (2023-03-28 16:26:46):
super good and creatively made with beautiful shine BAZZI (2023-04-06 18:22:44):
im back to get nostalgic Unknown author (2023-04-17 17:47:46):
rl4erikn irki OI435H Ijeq[oirujwi4Y JKP4W5J´POI3HIUThbpoj4wn towj44t JOI´3 H4OIU hóihtoiuj54oijtoire jtioPTHOU THOIUGTEGJTGJTJG Unknown author (2023-05-03 21:47:01):
Awesome Cursor pack my guy very smooth animations! Unknown author (2023-05-10 07:38:53):
Unknown author (2023-06-26 15:44:35):
Unknown author (2023-07-04 15:17:29):
we all are the same peros typeing in diffrent time XDD Unknown author (2023-09-20 03:08:12):
I was the one who asked for the diamond enchanted, swinging axe and pickaxe. Your cursors icons are great and I came back here for the memories. I five stared this twice on two different accounts somewhere around the 9th of December 2021 and hope you never give up this great work. You've left me with a memory that ill never forget. Unknown author (2023-09-26 17:28:04):
bery gud stickers you got there i hope you make some new stickers with a warden one Unknown author (2023-10-15 16:05:36):
can you create a sprite that does something when you click Unknown author (2023-10-26 04:13:01):
あああああああああ Unknown author (2023-10-27 00:11:51):
k i said okay Unknown author (2023-10-31 19:38:53):
good Unknown author (2023-11-01 19:24:59):
esta bueno Unknown author (2023-11-06 12:46:28):
this is so cool Unknown author (2023-11-20 22:42:12):
BEM DAORA RECOMENDO SE VC SOUBER USAR Unknown author (2023-12-05 18:58:16):
cool Unknown author (2023-12-26 02:45:24):
nice Unknown author (2023-12-29 17:09:59):
es muy clasico perro mierda <<<<<<<<<<<<< WTF eramsby1010 (2024-01-18 00:39:04 / 4 stars):
I will give you 1 more star if you do enchanted netherite axe chops and enchanted netherite sword slices (preferably the faster chop animation). Otherwise, great job on this! (I love the enthusiasm!) Unknown author (2024-01-23 19:42:28):
how are you guys Unknown author (2024-02-04 19:36:03):
this is amazing Unknown author (2024-02-25 14:19:56):
op very nice Unknown author (2024-03-03 11:30:18):
this is very cool and good! 10/10! Unknown author (2024-04-07 18:13:41):
hello god mouse ballzi Unknown author (2024-04-26 16:00:29):
This is PEAKKeep up the good work!!!!!! Unknown author (2024-06-24 17:06:44):
es ist ok Unknown author (2024-07-14 00:12:30):
neg ro Unknown author (2024-08-14 04:41:01):
es seguro? Unknown author (2024-08-29 14:47:52):
yes , i have the sword Unknown author (2024-10-06 20:45:26):
muito bom nota 10000000 7ba (2024-10-16 19:20:21):
very good !!!! and its animated W Unknown author (2024-10-18 14:08:19):
what the sigma? AMONGUS(sus) what the sigma? sus what the sigma? Unknown author (2024-12-08 17:08:15):
this wip is soo gooooood i love the enchant golden appel in the minecraft pointer Unknown author (2025-01-08 15:50:20):
which one to choos? Unknown author (2025-02-09 07:33:46):
i`m ghost the dowm cool Unknown author (2025-02-14 19:02:12):
qui ero g Unknown author (2025-03-04 17:47:51):
SKIBIDI Unknown author (2025-03-11 14:16:39):