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ghostedkitty (2022-05-12 11:39:51):

cute! :-D

Unknown author (2022-05-12 16:12:48):


Unknown author (2022-05-12 17:26:56):

bro shut up if you don't like it don't use or look at it its really stupid how you really took your time and came over here just to say that like keep your opinion to urself

Also good work Astheticfox

aestheticfox (2022-05-12 19:46:54):

Thank you ghostedkitty and Anon :-)

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-05-13 05:40:56 / 4.5 stars):

I like it, and i appreciate
you give me credits.

tysm icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image
have nice day
and hope see more of

2 cursors are missing
that's why i give you 4.5 stars

location select and person select
Hotspot are correct
i like the animations

aestheticfox (2022-05-13 17:44:05):

Thank you so much!! I also love your cursors and likewise look forward to your future work! :-D

Unknown author (2022-05-13 22:41:30):

i cant download why

Unknown author (2022-05-14 09:16:00):

UwU daddy

KittyUwU (2022-05-14 13:26:53 / 4 stars):

You dont upload
Location and Person Select

I hope you created soon
your own cursors

its easy use other cursors
like a base

but its more fun if you
create them by yourself


Unknown author (2022-05-19 06:11:52):


Unknown author (2022-05-19 11:35:07):

This is adorable but where's the location select and person select cursors.

Unknown author (2022-06-01 12:22:53):


Sun_l1ght (2022-06-21 18:42:44 / 5 stars):

So cute!!

ramaxan (2022-11-09 15:47:20):

pikachu better cute

14_5936 (2022-12-21 05:04:42 / 4.5 stars):


Unknown author (2023-02-02 15:18:11):

kys 8-)

Unknown author (2023-02-24 18:46:46):

so cute!!!! :-)

Unknown author (2023-04-15 18:29:07):

penis 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2023-06-01 16:49:28):


Unknown author (2023-10-21 17:14:25):



Unknown author (2023-10-30 14:16:06):

I love it :-D

Unknown author (2023-11-26 04:22:13):

super dookie awesome :-D :-D

Unknown author (2024-01-26 13:39:55):


Unknown author (2024-02-09 19:49:12):


Unknown author (2024-04-16 03:29:01):

めちゃ かわいい :-D

eunZM (2024-12-20 22:27:15 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2025-01-11 22:27:06):


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