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ezo (2022-08-06 00:22:23):

I liked all of them but especially the text and select ones

keep it up man!!

skyler (2022-08-06 00:29:53 / 5 stars):

very simplistic and clean, no room for error left at all, highly recommend it :-)

Unknown author (2022-08-07 00:47:51):

i downloaded it but how i setup things ?

Unknown author (2022-08-07 07:06:19):


It Worked Great! good job Keep it up!

 AKGAMER (2022-08-07 08:57:08 / 5 stars):

Make a full set it will be AWESOME!

Stonkie (2022-08-08 01:32:22 / 4.5 stars):

man this shit is bussin' 8-)

Unknown author (2022-08-13 05:13:24):

noice dude 8-)

Unknown author (2022-08-13 10:31:20):

i dont like but is good though

Unknown author (2022-08-19 19:56:40):



Unknown author (2022-08-20 04:11:12):

it workss

Unknown author (2022-08-26 09:35:42):

its very cool! i like it but pls make a full set :-D

Unknown author (2024-01-09 06:36:41):

Would love to see this grow into a full set

Unknown author (2024-08-21 09:45:51):

:-o :-o :-o

L0lgy (2025-02-19 01:00:21):

Thank you all, I've returned with two cursors and will finish full set soon! :-D

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