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RIDDLER (2022-10-16 22:38:37 / 5 stars):

Nice, but I have seen this before here.

Unknown author (2022-10-18 01:51:11):


Unknown author (2022-10-19 18:54:01):


Unknown author (2022-10-19 22:58:03):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2022-10-20 23:45:13):

so amazing but its not working at roblox lol :-D 8-) ;-)

Unknown author (2022-10-21 20:49:22):

pula ta este 'ca nu mere

a_person (2022-10-24 06:53:29):


Unknown author (2022-10-24 19:20:08):

cool :-)

Unknown author (2022-10-30 17:23:44):


Unknown author (2022-10-31 06:56:05):


lilnerdyboy45 (2022-11-03 05:22:22 / 5 stars):

im using it rn its really good :-D

Unknown author (2022-11-09 08:21:30):

nice thanks

Unknown author (2022-11-14 23:11:59):

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

baya mierda

Unknown author (2022-11-25 06:15:07):

n abaixem isso e um virus mt perigoso eu abaixei e tive q troca de pc pq o meu antigo tinha queimado a placa mae e a fonte.

Unknown author (2023-02-14 15:06:28):

why is this not typeing cursor

Unknown author (2023-03-10 23:26:16):

Very clean cursor

Unknown author (2023-03-17 15:47:10):


Unknown author (2023-04-04 13:53:44):


Unknown author (2023-04-19 23:02:10):

isso da virus, meu pc comecou a ficar lento depois de utilizar isso, ate o kasper anti virus identificou como spyware e malware, cuidado.

Unknown author (2023-09-21 22:01:38):

how do you put it on your cursor

Unknown author (2024-09-04 02:46:24):
-) 8-) :-o :-( :-D :-) ;-) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-) :-) :-) :-) ;-) ;-) ;-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) wow fanstatic
Unknown author (2024-10-03 02:06:16):

falta alguns e poderia ter uma versão amigável pra aero. |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-)

Unknown author (2025-02-01 11:55:49):

Fantastic 8 :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

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