eeveelover64 (2023-01-27 14:21:45 / 4.5 stars):
hooolllyyyy fuck! this looks... AMAZING! you did such a swell job on replicating the aspects of vaporwave (dead genre) so well! if only this was complete set tho... RIDDLER (2023-01-27 19:12:28 / 5 stars):
Holy amazing set. Not complete. Void (2023-01-27 20:00:29):
it is indeed not complete since I usually make these for myself and forgot to save some cursors (the resize cursors in this case) Unknown author (2023-01-27 20:21:53):
Unknown author (2023-01-28 06:12:37):
nibbler (2023-01-30 19:08:16 / 4 stars):
Make this a complete set and I'll add +1 Great color scheme, though! Xudatxa Copacabana (2023-02-01 07:54:44 / 5 stars):
OK. Quem faz um uso individual como eu, está ótimo; e nenhum problema foi encontrado! Void (2023-02-02 09:47:05):
I've made some resize cursors and added them. hope yall like them Unknown author (2023-02-03 14:19:14):
fkff Unknown author (2023-02-04 03:53:22):
animations... where is the animations? Unknown author (2023-02-06 19:10:14):
hello Unknown author (2023-02-14 13:17:56):
Unknown author (2023-03-01 15:27:08):
hi bob hi babi yeah oh oh oh Unknown author (2023-03-21 16:14:52):
hello Unknown author (2023-03-24 23:40:00):
I like it r5ne (curs0r) (2023-03-28 11:46:30):
woooah that gradient is so cleaaan The Male Boss (2023-03-29 13:27:20 / 4.5 stars):
This is a very nice looking cursor set the colours work well together and it feels very refreshing to look at. Unknown author (2023-05-08 16:21:08):
Shut up and give the man the 5 stars he put effort into making this. He deserves it brodie Void (2023-05-09 08:30:10):
thanks dude. I am thinking of ideas for the other cursors left but bruh I never use those cursors anyways, I don't even know where you would actually use them xTikans (2024-05-14 16:57:21 / 5 stars):
W set, ik i never animated before, but i plan on doing it soon, but ik it can be hard, especially for a cursor set. Anyways keep up the good work and good job on this set man. |