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Nomnomnom (2023-06-10 18:36:59 / 5 stars):

very cool design, I love it!

Unknown author (2023-06-12 15:44:00):


Unknown author (2023-06-13 01:47:11):


Unknown author (2023-06-13 10:12:14):

boi is lookin nice

Goodbye? (2023-06-13 13:47:30):

cool icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image icon-image/24825-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2023-06-14 15:04:54):


Unknown author (2023-06-15 13:52:38):

:-D :-D so cool :-)

Unknown author (2023-06-15 16:52:52):

It´s a cool cursor pack,but you must watch a tatorial

Unknown author (2023-06-15 20:20:22):

where is the tutorial

Unknown author (2023-06-23 19:17:18):


Unknown author (2023-06-29 17:04:19):

if you give a mouse a cookie h

search it up

Unknown author (2023-07-04 19:08:44):

ty for this pack i luv it vm

Unknown author (2023-07-28 19:40:29):

im fan of minecraft ;-)

Unknown author (2023-08-06 17:28:16):

molto bello :-)

VeavskyBlox (2023-08-11 17:30:02 / 4.5 stars):

you could add an anavailabe cursor to get 5 stars but the rest is cool sooo cool

Unknown author (2023-08-11 20:13:05):


Ok not vulnerable

HotCrossBuns (2023-08-12 13:55:50):

Why are too many anonymuses here?

The Male Boss (2023-08-14 18:37:08 / 4.5 stars):

The cursor set looks fantastic and looks likes it’s been designed well.
All your cursors hotspots are in the correct place.
You’re missing a few on the cursor roles to make it complete set with all 17 cursors roles though such as Unavailable, Person and Location select.
Other than those cursor roles which are missing the set is fantastic.

Unknown author (2023-08-15 11:34:02):

:-D :-D :-( :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

SCG-1171 (2023-09-08 20:52:55 / 5 stars):

As a pro-Minecrafter who's been playing the game for over 10 years, I think this netherite set is a good addition to the Minecraft cursor library!
Keep up the good work!

Unknown author (2023-11-13 11:26:41):

:-D :-D dude so cool,I never thought you could costomize your cursor! good job!

Unknown author (2023-12-14 16:15:03):

how to change the loading coursor and the coursor when clicking? sory i dont know names of this coursors

Unknown author (2025-03-25 17:19:05):


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