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RIDDLER (2023-06-25 23:01:47 / 5 stars):

Well done for this complete set for Windows XP.

Unknown author (2023-06-26 01:39:59):

Wow. This is amazing. I was expecting you to upload only the default cursors, I didn't even know there animated cursors on windows xp. From what program are the horse, dino, piano, animated hands, etc?

nibbler (2023-06-26 03:36:27):

I believe those were the default cursors for some of the built in themes for Windows XP. Of course, I did make some of them myself, such as the expanded 3d cursors and middle finger cursor.

I'll add to the description the cursors that go on those built in themes soon.

Anyways, thx for the review! :-)

Unknown author (2023-07-07 19:21:58):

how do i use them pls tell me

Unknown author (2023-07-08 11:45:06):

Dude thank you so much! I wanted these XP ones so much! So yeah here is why: I saw a video from a youtuber and i thought: Hmmm these old cursors look cool. So i begun searching to find these and then i lost hope and now i have it by the time i made this i have a yellow cursor so yeah THANK YOU SO MUCH nibbler!

nibbler (2023-07-08 13:17:57):

No problem, anonymous! :-)

The Male Boss (2023-07-09 17:02:53 / 4 stars):

Given most of these cursor are no yours I don’t feel I can’t award 5 star for this set however it’s a full set of cursor containing all 17 cursor roles which I Believe windows XP only had 15 cursor roles so adding the person and location select cursors get you some extra credit.
Some of the cursor hotspots need fixing for example 3DGUP and Hibeam for example.
Other than those issues a good cursor set.

Unknown author (2023-07-10 00:26:40):

is it possible for you to make a set for every mac os cursor? I know it is a different OS from windows, but it would be cool to have them all in one place. Hopefully with no shadow, although I dont know if those cursor are available without shadows

nibbler (2023-07-10 06:18:08):

@The Male Boss
I know most aren't mine, that's kind of the point. These are uploaded simply for accessibility purposes, especially anyone who doesn't have Windows XP can still download them.
The animated 3dgup, 3dsup and 3dbup have the correct hotspots. They are based off of Joe's animated 3D cursors.
And I didn't make hibeam.cur. The hotspot IS in the correct location. It's because you can't see any inverted colors in most browsers. You're likely using Chrome or Firefox, because they are the common ones that have this issue. It's just that the I-Beam in said cursor is using inverted pixels and yadda yadda yadda.

I really don't know how to get them, but I'll see what I can do.

Henry vntv (2023-07-12 10:16:38 / 5 stars):

cool cursors icon-image/24519-16x16x32.png image , i remember thati have the windows XP before. But now, i move to windows 7

icon-image/24237-16x16x32.png image cool though

Arch (2023-07-12 20:58:29):

Terrific job getting the full set.

hamzasolom20 (2023-08-22 16:57:10):

the (None) set exists

nibbler (2023-09-22 14:14:29):

@Anonymous who wrote:

is it possible for you to make a set for every mac os cursor? I know it is a different OS from windows, but it would be cool to have them all in one place. Hopefully with no shadow, although I dont know if those cursor are available without shadows

Here is a set I made in the past:

And just for fun, I made it Windows-themed. :-D

Unknown author (2023-10-26 23:09:26):

nice i really like the dinosaur one :-)

yll373 (2023-11-19 21:23:49):

I don't like middle finger stuff.

Unknown author (2023-11-21 07:41:26):

i don't know how to install it

yasser broz (2023-11-23 13:27:23 / 4 stars):


eramsby1010 (2024-01-23 05:01:51 / 5 stars):

That's a lot of cursors... Good job! :-D

Unknown author (2024-03-17 17:06:06):

i never have window xp Cursors |-)

nibbler (2024-09-07 09:13:43):

the old guy is gone...

Unknown author (2024-10-16 13:28:56):

kakaka boy

FlynMaker7 (2024-10-16 20:44:15 / 3.5 stars):

deducted a bit of star because of the middle finger stuff, but other than that the animated cursors are pretty good here

nibbler (2024-10-16 21:05:12):

I have removed it for your pleasure.

RIDDLER (2024-10-20 18:32:57):

This cursor set is awesome. It's great to bring back memories from classic versions of Windows, especially Windows XP.

Unknown author (2025-03-09 21:24:11):

Algum Brasileiro nesse site? se sim, comente isso em outros tipos de cursor 8-)

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