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NedInYaHead (2023-08-28 04:48:48):

Again, you'll need to download the cursors mentioned above to see their inverted elements because the site doesn't display them, but I assure you - they're there.

RIDDLER (2023-08-28 18:51:30 / 5 stars):

I have seen this cursor set somewhere on this site.

eeveelover64 (2023-08-28 21:36:02):

this just looks... freaky, not saying its bad tho! just very odd

Unknown author (2023-08-29 15:08:39):

8-) cool man

Unknown author (2023-08-29 23:42:07):

This is the Greatest :-D

MrChickenStrips (2023-08-29 23:45:39 / 5 stars):

By the way I'm using it

Unknown author (2023-09-02 05:38:52):

these are amazing

Unknown author (2023-09-03 07:57:40):

OH HECK YEAH. Downloading right now.

hellbivore (2023-09-04 15:47:28):

This is scary, I love it. It reminds me of my nightmares when I was 4 years old.

RafaElCapo20??:) (2023-09-07 02:15:27):

i love this cursors

hamzasolom20 (2023-09-08 21:43:17):


Unknown author (2023-09-12 00:18:26):

I love the goofy shit going on in this cursor set lol.

Unknown author (2023-09-12 04:14:33):

Subtle, super high-quality. I love it! Thanks for your hard work.

Unknown author (2023-09-15 10:20:30):

Nice, time to jumpscare myself every time I see this!

Unknown author (2023-09-15 18:59:51):

NedInYaHead, this cursor set changed my life. My entire view of everything that exists in this world, in fact, even in the entire universe. I can never look at anything I know the same way again. This cursor set represents emotions that most humans could never understand. But I can. Thanks to this cursor set I was awakened to many things previously considered unimaginable. Thank you for this exquisite cursor set, I will never forget this experience.


TheFlowerKid (2023-09-18 21:29:44 / 4.5 stars):

This is a great cursor set! I think this is super funny and creative! you should make some more! great set! :-D

Unknown author (2023-09-19 20:21:25):

wow so cool

Unknown author (2023-09-27 16:01:35):

im in tears

Unknown author (2023-09-30 03:34:01):

this is cool and scary (twisting fingers and all of that stuff)

im in tears too

Unknown author (2023-10-02 08:45:37):

my boi cull out the crip

RyanGallioun (2023-10-05 11:41:48):

this is cool and scary (twisting fingers and all of that stuff)

im in tears too

twisting fingers is scary? since when is bro stuck in 1988

Unknown author (2023-10-05 18:24:01):

i eat kids

Unknown author (2023-10-06 12:31:30):


YugisSexyAlterEgo (2023-10-17 03:22:32 / 5 stars):

Awesome :-D

Unknown author (2023-10-19 18:27:03):

i love how the unavabel says nah uh like titan camera man

o c e a n s (2023-10-20 05:27:44 / 4.5 stars):

Amazing idea. Amazing execution. My only issue is the alternate select cursor not being a hand and only a finger, although that cursor is literally never used anywhere ever so it's still a solid 4.5. Plus the handwriting looks kinda wonky but hands are difficult to draw anyways so I'll give it a pass.

Unknown author (2023-10-24 21:01:38):

uma bosta kkkkk

mouseymouse (2023-11-08 21:57:48):

I created an account just to say how awesome this set is. Thanks for sharing :-) using it now

Unknown author (2023-12-18 16:10:26):

This is just perfection 8-)

BananaFruit (2024-01-07 06:35:47 / 5 stars):

Love this set! A nice change of pace from the typical arrows and pointers.

Baldismacker (2024-01-09 01:09:54 / 5 stars):

Who needs arrows and all that crap, why not just use a hand? love it.

Unknown author (2024-06-08 16:26:42):

:-D :-D no wya who laet him cok omg nice corsors

lime!! (2024-08-16 16:31:00 / 4.5 stars):

as a link select fan i see this as an absolute win.

LegionEagles22 (2024-09-22 22:57:30 / 5 stars):

my favourite one is the unavailable one. I can hear the "NUH-UH"

Corpp Lot'o thing (2025-02-15 23:33:23 / 5 stars):

wow it's really a good idea i really love how you founded a artwork with the link select cursor for each cursors good job ! :-D

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