RIDDLER (2023-09-10 04:15:43):
A green teal cursor set made for Windows 11. The "Teal" tag is missing from the tags list. Please request it on the tags page. Unknown author (2023-10-12 20:51:15):
Don't have win11 RIDDLER (2023-10-12 23:56:50):
Use Windows 10. lonznt (2024-02-21 15:13:54):
RIDDLER (2024-02-22 13:59:21):
No reviews yet. No rating. superman11 (2024-03-17 14:54:17 / 5 stars):
<3 i love this cursor <3 i have one question q: how you make this cursors ??? i love green RIDDLER (2024-03-17 22:45:04):
Thanks for the five stars. I made this using two colors for animated cursors. Unknown author (2024-06-09 20:37:06):
MF , It works for other Operative Systems > Bacon RIDDLER (2024-06-10 21:18:30):
Yes, it does work for other operating systems. In fact, all of them, except the lack of being able to use 17 cursor roles on versions of Windows prior to Windows 10. This cursor set is a dazzling one to use for a custom user made green theme for Windows 11. Unknown author (2024-06-18 03:36:50):
BRY RIDDLER (2024-06-19 00:15:54):
Hmm. Unknown author (2024-07-08 16:01:50):
Well WHY DID YOU SAY IT'S ONLY FOR WINDOWS ll ? It works on Windows lO & other Operating Systems ! Please , just make Your Cursors Iconic , I'm not a Fan of these
RIDDLER (2024-07-08 21:48:10):
This cursor set does work on Windows. It is iconic in its style. You do not have to be a fan of this cursor set. I have many others on my profile that you might enjoy using. Unknown author (2024-07-14 15:42:50):
nice RIDDLER (2024-07-14 20:56:24):
Awesome. Thanks. |