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Unknown author (2023-11-04 13:27:20):

Nice :-D

EeveeGaming (2023-11-04 17:43:46 / 4.5 stars):

Pretty good.
Hope it have other players.

Unknown author (2023-11-22 06:47:43):

wow so good i love it :-o

Unknown author (2024-01-01 01:03:48):

where is location select cursor? :-(

xTikans (2024-02-21 18:50:04 / 4.5 stars):

These are cool, but I feel like the Wii cursors have been reposted a few other times and idk if this is the original cursor set :-o

Unknown author (2024-04-02 00:24:34):

i need the cursor of location :-(

Unknown author (2024-04-20 20:35:16):

Idk don't really know if this is a virus or not because my phone and my computer say that it is a anonymous download but I really want a Wii cursor sooo someone give me the answer?

Cursor Mania (2024-04-26 12:17:48):

There are no virus on it!

catnap (2024-05-11 14:32:48 / 4.5 stars):

hi guys

:-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o

Unknown author (2024-06-06 04:50:00):

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2024-06-13 23:55:04):

whoa this is so fuckin' great.
really wish there was a location select cursor.

Unknown author (2024-06-14 06:40:24):

tried scanning them and i think the color versions have viruses on it. is this true? :-(

Unknown author (2024-06-30 18:05:21):


Unknown author (2024-07-09 22:29:15):

would use this if they had all the cursors!!

Unknown author (2024-07-11 22:27:55):

;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o 8-) |-)

Unknown author (2024-07-24 17:40:17):

Where's the working in background :-(

Unknown author (2024-08-21 11:15:12):

this doesnt work, all the files say its corrupted when i try to change it, and the cursors look like txt files, did i just got a virus?

Unknown author (2024-10-08 06:49:54):


Unknown author (2024-10-14 13:10:37):


Unknown author (2024-11-03 08:27:54):

he said the n word

Unknown author (2024-11-24 16:24:09):

I love Wii

Unknown author (2024-11-27 23:09:53):

chat is this real?

Unknown author (2024-12-08 03:07:00):

the best i lov wii best great wanderful :-D

Unknown author (2025-01-12 10:03:24):



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