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r5ne (curs0r) (2024-06-21 22:25:05):

no way fellas 'w'

RIDDLER (2024-06-22 01:23:58 / 5 stars):

I like this version.

eeveelover64 (2024-06-22 07:58:20 / 5 stars):

teehee, these cursors are pretty silly :3

Unknown author (2024-06-23 14:35:34):

funny faces >:D i can make more faces than them

r5ne (curs0r) (2024-06-23 21:57:10):

no freaking way bro

Unknown author (2024-06-26 23:24:47):

it's cute :33

astro.mp3 (2024-06-27 21:23:50 / 5 stars):

these cursors are so silly :33

r5ne (curs0r) (2024-07-05 19:55:19):

1000 victims- i mean uhh i mean clients (downloads) already thanks for usin these 'w'

Unknown author (2024-07-06 20:55:19):

TF is this Set Bro I want a decent set no damn Bulls**

> Bacon
r5ne (curs0r) (2024-07-08 22:01:24):

idk maybe try getting ur eyes checked :-(

Unknown author (2024-07-09 17:15:21):


stinkydampfart (2024-07-11 13:29:29):

these cursors are so silly!!11!!!111 :33

r5ne (curs0r) (2024-07-14 15:54:14):

lets goo the goofy fellas V2 officially surpassed the V1 in downloads :-D :-D

Unknown author (2024-07-15 09:34:02):

cool cursor

Unknown author (2024-07-20 14:01:48):

this is so epic and silly!!!!!!!!!!! i couldnt find the "up or down" "left or right" n vertical onez but i just downloaded em!! cute silly epic cursor pack great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'w'

Unknown author (2024-07-22 04:33:13):


tem (2024-07-24 15:30:26):

these little guys are now permanently encapsulated in my pc! perfect!

ViniciusGamer-blox (2024-07-25 20:54:44):

The cursors are cute, I enjoyed using them for a while, I found them cute and fun, they look like you would use Flipnote or Warioware, I really recommend this cursor to several people, congratulations!

BiORNADE (2024-07-26 21:07:33):

The donut reminds me of Nintendo Wii for some reason

r5ne (curs0r) (2024-07-27 09:50:25):

prolly cuz of kirby or something

Unknown author (2024-08-03 07:17:21):


Unknown author (2024-08-09 22:26:05):

really cool^^

Unknown author (2024-08-22 16:02:00):

i think it got hacked or smthn or its just me :<

r5ne (curs0r) (2024-08-23 16:24:58):

Download is perfectly fine on my end :<

DAXEFORK (2024-08-25 05:20:27):

yeah its cool i draw that on was a grade 2 student

Unknown author (2024-08-25 11:26:24):


:-D :-D :-) 8-)

Unknown author (2024-08-30 04:05:43):

this cursor make me happy thankyou ^-^

Unknown author (2024-08-30 12:51:29):

:-D 'w' u r the best

Unknown author (2024-09-12 13:48:03):

this warms my heart i luv it soo muchhhhhhhh ^u^

Unknown author (2024-09-28 20:44:50):

absolute peak

r5ne (curs0r) (2024-10-11 20:16:42):

absolute cinema :-o

Unknown author (2024-10-13 13:42:51):

it says i can get hackd bye it but what.ver im still trying it

r5ne (curs0r) (2024-10-13 19:14:02):

its totally fine i swear i swear if anything blame the 'w'

Unknown author (2024-11-07 16:10:43):

It's a virus

r5ne (curs0r) (2024-11-07 17:01:03):

iiiit wasn't me I swear

Unknown author (2024-11-13 13:22:05):

lol he is the funkiest little goober

Unknown author (2024-11-22 09:59:28):

lowkey fire :3

Unknown author (2024-12-15 01:24:59):

i go on this websight at least once a year to change. but with this MASTERPIECE ill never change again :-)

Unknown author (2025-01-02 02:19:28):

why it so :3

r5ne (curs0r) (2025-01-03 20:26:58):

i prefer 'w' but :3 is aight in some cases

ascii face tierlist when
hmm actually...

S tier: 'w' ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ ^w^ '^'

A tier: -w- ╹w╹ °^°  ̄w ̄ ≧◡≦

B tier: :3 °w° :> :-D D: 'ω' (and derivatives)

C tier: :-) '-' .-. :-( `∇´ ⩾w⩽ T^T

D tier: =D >w< ;-) ;D TwT

F tier: o-o o.o ;( D;

Unknown author (2025-01-27 03:33:54):

based tier list 'w'

Unknown author (2025-01-27 04:18:01):

Sometimes I'm just a happy cute fella ass nigga :3

r5ne (curs0r) (2025-01-27 16:50:08):

well well well...

xTikans (2025-01-29 13:42:40 / 5 stars):

This is fantasticals bruv


nibbler (2025-01-30 08:51:10 / 5 stars):

This set reminds me of those old Flash animations, and this gave me nostalgia. I love the work put into this to make it look awesome! icon-image/24325-16x16x32.png image

r5ne (curs0r) (2025-02-01 23:54:28):

ty for the 5/5 fellas

TenZue (2025-02-07 04:15:05):

Love this lmfao

RipPrankster (2025-03-21 18:02:07 / 5 stars):

Awww! They are so cute! I Love them! The way that it's hand drawn makes it even cuter! :-D

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