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eeveelover64 (2023-03-28 16:21:13 / 5 stars):

moar silly!1!!1! >w<

r5ne (curs0r) (2023-03-28 17:40:07):


The Male Boss (2023-03-28 21:36:43 / 5 stars):

I do like these the look quite simple and unique.
I wouldn’t describe them as trash to me they seem pretty well designed given they’ve been hand drawn using a computer.
It’s also nice to see a range of these icons with different uses.
My only slight complaint is I do feel you could of possibly given the icons more sizes rather than just 48x48 for all of them
However having said that these are compatible for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.
I look forward to seeing some more of your work.

The Male Boss

Unknown author (2023-03-29 10:15:52):

very silly would recommend :-)

Xudatxa Copacabana (2023-03-29 17:54:05 / 5 stars):

Using a suitable application, it is possible to install all the icons in Windows in the function corresponding to each one. This is a good work. Ideal to install on a son's or nephew's computer. The children will love.

Unknown author (2023-03-29 17:57:48):

come here 8-)

r5ne (curs0r) (2023-03-29 22:38:42):

wish there was a was to set the DEFAULT icon for folders, but oh well. (i really dont want to do it manually as that means all the other, unchanged folders look out of place)
but if theres a program to do that, then hit me up

rix (2023-03-30 22:27:34 / 5 stars):

unique :-D
so sweet...

nibbler (2023-04-16 07:42:53 / 5 stars):


Great cute design, otherwise! icon-image/24325-16x16x32.png image

r5ne (curs0r) (2023-04-20 19:22:44):

so it does exist! thanks for the info

Unknown author (2023-05-16 23:10:17):

These are so cute!

Unknown author (2023-06-02 23:04:09):


i want my computer all happy and funny and fella alrite??

or at least for 7tsp...pleeeeeeease? :-)

Unknown author (2023-07-07 03:28:03):

i like those silly looking icons :-D

r5ne (curs0r) (2023-07-30 17:39:26):

alr i will make a 7tsp or ipack ver soon™

hamzasolom20 (2023-08-11 11:28:08):

this haunted my pc without even downloading!!!

Unknown author (2023-08-17 14:48:05):


Unknown author (2023-10-10 23:42:46):

☆゚.*・。゚We LiVe On A pC☆゚.*・。゚

Unknown author (2023-10-28 02:15:17):

what is with the name of the folder xD Im too scared to use these

r5ne (curs0r) (2024-03-08 20:59:10):

do not be afriad |-)

Silly Smori (2025-01-27 18:30:08):

its so cute!!! :333 :-D

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