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Erik (2010-02-13 16:38:07 / 5 stars):

Your Icons are great! I will more!


sixλxis (2010-02-13 19:08:03 / 5 stars):

well youre our #1 icon maker for a reason :3

Unknown author (2010-11-02 04:47:07):

apiik... :-)

Swim Ninja (2011-03-07 22:47:09):

I love the 1st one too they are SO COOL :-D

Sirea (2011-03-07 22:50:15):


jojois74 (2011-09-07 23:44:37 / 5 stars):

This is the best section of the glass zoo icons and they are great. Especially the dolphin.

Unknown author (2011-09-19 22:47:57):

O_O they're aminals :-D

Cameron (2011-11-04 10:40:37 / 4.5 stars):

these are very different and well thought after, there are many different shapes of different animals and they can be used universally :-)

AA_Xatron (2012-08-24 17:27:08 / 5 stars):

You is just the best.

cdl (2013-01-23 16:56:07 / 4.5 stars):

These are so cute!
and again such a nice design concept!

I should stop before I sound too much like a broken record, lol!

icon-image/3121-256x256x32.png image

Some sizes are missing but who cares, just lovely Sirea!

Unknown author (2014-04-07 21:06:35):

Your Glass Zoo sets are mind-blowing! Yay, there's a dolphin!

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