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sixλxis (2010-09-25 01:44:59 / 4.5 stars):

I'm an Atheist and don't support religion, but i'll say that these are still very nicely made.

Erik (2010-09-25 07:19:21 / 5 stars):

They look so nice. Maybee one of your best sets. : ]

jj (2011-01-21 23:31:05):

wow so cool awsome [= .. =]

Unknown author (2011-02-05 19:40:15):


   5/5 ;-)
Sirea (2011-02-05 19:42:13):

thanks :-)

Doc (2011-12-14 16:07:22 / 5 stars):

I agree..the artwork is very well done. The silver borders with the ruby red shading makes it pop. Can you make some with gold metal borders, too? How about gold & sapphire blue, or gold & emerald green? Great work!

Ricon (2012-01-12 02:45:49 / 4.5 stars):

I follow hinduism and your icons are amazing.
i am kind of good in U3d.

AmberZen (2012-09-09 11:36:30 / 4.5 stars):

icon-image/4052-48x48x32.png image

Nice icons. Nice theme. Nice coloration. Nice set!

Original, unique and quite pleasing to the eye!

icon-image/6385-48x48x32.png image

Unknown author (2012-11-05 07:32:08):

more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cool

vessto (2012-11-28 11:14:37):

I think you should add Atheist sign too. I think there also exist sign of Theists and all-religions friendly sign. They all could be found in Wikipedia.

Jason (2013-02-04 22:26:36 / 3.5 stars):

nice color choice. although you could have added more than one.

Unknown author (2013-08-27 07:45:57):

no egyptian?

Unknown author (2020-04-10 14:55:21):

hi what do u use icons for for mouse==

Unknown author (2020-09-20 00:14:22):

is very cool :-D

Xudatxa Copacabana (2023-08-10 02:11:19):

I agree with "sixλxis" in the first message. I'm also an Atheist; I don't follow religions, so I won't rate belief logos. I'm just passing by here. But the icons are of excellent quality.

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