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Ludwig (2014-02-10 15:52:54 / 4.5 stars):

Very nice first set! icon-image/10140-16x16x32.png image

I just don't get why you have especially chosen these ones. Are these your favourite ones, or are they the only ones on your desktop? Apart from that: Google is a company, not a program, you mean Google Chrome. Please correct the name! And facebook is a Website, not a program!
I'm looking forward to see your next set!

Have a nice day,
Ludwig icon-image/10134-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2014-02-12 07:46:20):

hello.......... ;-) ;-) ;-)

hello my name is Umang |-) :-D

Unknown author (2014-02-15 20:21:35):

hi 8-)

design44 (2014-03-01 14:26:33 / 5 stars):

good ;-)

jojois74 (2014-03-05 05:18:36 / 5 stars):

Very cool icons. This is some great work! Nice shines and 3D effect.

CursorKing (2014-03-06 17:31:48):


Unknown author (2014-03-14 17:08:58):


Unknown author (2014-03-19 17:35:10):

:-D m gusto

Unknown author (2014-06-11 02:37:51):

te mana hi poeple

Big Mac (2014-08-28 23:02:47 / 5 stars):

this is a very sleek and cool icon set. i say the Photoshop icon is the best! :-)

PastaBox (2018-12-05 17:03:15 / 5 stars):

It's screaming early 90s internet. Just look at that *D E V E L .*

Unknown author (2019-11-19 01:44:38):

cant use touch screen or goes inviable

Unknown author (2020-12-01 10:45:15):




Unknown author (2021-07-16 23:44:18):

bom de mais irmãozinho

piggyhog (2025-02-19 15:03:24 / 5 stars):


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