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RIDDLER (2019-11-21 02:44:28 / 5 stars):

Epic icon set.

Vlazteron (2019-11-21 02:52:54):

I'm glad you liked it, thank it to Microsoft too, because they where the persons who made the origins to these icons. :-)

snickerdoodle (2019-11-21 04:01:51 / 5 stars):

a m a z i n g

Vlazteron (2019-11-21 17:58:57):

I'm glad you liked it. :-D
Should I reupload the "Windows 98 PLUS!" cursors?

RIDDLER (2019-11-22 01:22:56):

No. Do not re-upload the same thing.

Vlazteron (2019-11-22 01:38:59):

I'm not going to re-upload this I'm going to re-upload the cursors, the cursors aren't same as icons. they're just part from the Windows 98 PLUS! theme, im not going to re-upload the same icons as cursors.

RIDDLER (2019-11-22 01:51:47):

Before you upload your new cursors, please make sure that your hotspots are in the correct place and that your set has a total of 15 cursor roles. Keep in mind that this is important to a successful cursor set.

Vlazteron (2019-11-22 02:04:36):

Don't worry, I promise you they aren't going to have any hotspot out of his place. Also it's going to be a insanely long set. :-)

Unknown author (2019-11-22 16:52:29):

cursor-view/107191.png image

Starting Windows 98 PLUS! Icons demolition...


Vlazteron (2019-11-23 02:29:53):

Good joke, Anonymous. :-D

Unknown author (2019-11-23 16:20:44):

Thx xd

This is just an image, try dragging this and you wil instantly knw this is not a text xd


thewindowsawesome (2019-11-23 21:50:52):

well atleast you credited it great job tho

Vlazteron (2019-11-24 17:13:43):


Unknown author (2019-11-28 21:35:43):


Unknown author (2019-11-28 22:18:46):







adrenochromedream (2019-11-29 23:30:09 / 4.5 stars):

approves Yoda does icon-image/17233-16x16x32.png image icon-image/17233-16x16x32.png image icon-image/17233-16x16x32.png image icon-image/17233-16x16x32.png image icon-image/17233-16x16x32.png image

Vlazteron (2019-11-30 00:58:19):

Thank you so much, adrenochromedream. :-)

58629 (2019-12-24 07:15:23 / 5 stars):

I've never seen any icons from a PLUS! addon, nor would I thought I'd see one, until now! Surprises me to find out some icons fit the old Windows style, while others are image exports of 3D models. Thanks for distributing! ;-)

Vlazteron (2019-12-26 03:00:45):

Yeah, it fits, because they were extracted from the program called PLUS! 98 made by Microsoft. It was a program that placed some programs. I would say Microsoft made really good icons in 3D, sadly nowadays they make flat/2D icons that are very weird. You're welcome, I uploaded those icons to show all the icons that PLUS! 98 had, I found that some people uploaded these icons, but separately. So I decided to upload them together.

Thanks for the rating and the feedback, I hope to upload, the PLUS! 98 Cursors, they'll fit with the PLUS! 98 theme.

Unknown author (2020-05-24 04:35:46):


Unknown author (2020-07-15 16:22:14):

*clap* *clap* we got some corona here you fucks.

Unknown author (2020-07-28 09:27:18):

love it.... thank U :-D ;-) :-) :-D ;-) :-) :-D :-) :-o |-) 8-) :-) ;-)

Vlazteron (2020-07-29 04:12:48):

You're welcome

Unknown author (2020-10-10 15:45:28):

Windows 98 Plus! actually exist in the real world?

Vlazteron (2020-10-10 18:51:51):

Yes, it's made by Microsoft

Unknown author (2020-10-17 16:28:32):


And also Please Create a Windows 95 Icon Vlazteron

because I'm a Windows 95 Fan

Unknown author (2021-02-27 17:55:31):

Is fake??????????

noahly (2025-02-07 00:15:32 / 5 stars):


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