Unknown author (2020-06-25 06:32:00):
como que posta um cursor nesse site ? ;-; Unknown author (2020-06-25 22:37:18):
Sla man tambem queria saber ;-; TU JOGA ROBLOX MEU NOME JTplayesgames aaa aa aaaaa Rando (2020-06-27 01:16:08):
@Anonymous 1 You need a account./ Necesitas una cuenta. @Anonymous 2 Yes, I do play roblox. My name is Kxewe. Net time, please don't advertise on my sets. Unknown author (2020-06-28 14:20:30):
öhm... whata hell Unknown author (2020-07-12 05:10:14):
Very werid but nice Unknown author (2020-07-30 13:54:27):
Rando (2020-08-23 15:35:47):
WHY IS EVERYONE HERE ANONYMOUS GalaxyMoustache (2020-08-24 20:56:10 / 5 stars):
I am not anonymous. I love your set. And talkin bout roblox huh? btw can you make more icons? Rando (2020-08-25 23:18:09):
I will get more from Icons8. RIDDLER (2020-08-26 21:32:08 / 5 stars):
Those folder icons for Windows 10 are just perfect. Rando (2020-09-01 16:14:03):
@RIDDLER: Thank you! Credit to icons8, and you can also change your folder icons to this, I wouldn't recommend it. Unknown author (2020-09-25 22:22:43):
hi i play roblox too my nick is rhavicraftgamerbr2 Unknown author (2020-09-29 22:35:05):
I LOVE THESE FOLDER ICONS! RIDDLER (2020-12-03 00:54:08):
Those folder icons would work best for Windows 10. Unknown author (2022-06-25 23:18:35):