adrenochromedream (2020-09-14 22:20:09 / 3.5 stars):
ok Vlazteron (2020-09-14 22:35:54):
You know that you could share more creative and helpful feedback like I did with your lastest set, however, you only say ok instead of being helpful. I have no clue if you respect other people's opinions. I hate when people try to help you with creative feedback, but instead, you do the opposite with their sets. eeveelover64 (2020-09-15 02:18:21):
why didn't u use the OFFICIAL windows xp logo? Vlazteron (2020-09-15 02:23:00):
Because I couldn't find it, and every image had a background. I tried to remove the background but some bits of the background are still there. eeveelover64 (2020-09-15 16:39:15):
bruvsky just use this: Vlazteron (2020-09-15 17:59:37):
Thank you! I've updated my set, and added the original Windows XP Logo. Rando (2020-09-15 21:43:00 / 5 stars):
Where is Longhorn? AND WHERE IS WHISTLER? (My point here is, add BETAs. Also, why is Windows 7's icon randomly small?) eeveelover64 (2020-09-15 22:37:52):
yeah... why is it smol? windows 7 Vlazteron (2020-09-16 00:30:57):
Ok, I added these logos. Thank you very much. adrenochromedream (2020-09-16 04:59:44):
cause its animated that's why the Sally & Friends cursor is flashing on my set Vlazteron (2020-09-16 19:38:04):
This isn't animated. Icons can't be animated, dummy. OK, just because I gave you a rating of 1.5, on your last cursor set you gave me the same rating here? Wow, what a loser. LEARN HOW TO TAKE CRITICISM INSTEAD. Rando (2020-09-16 21:26:35):
Check your inbox again @Vlazteron. I put another suggestion there. Vlazteron (2020-09-17 02:50:00):
@adrenochromedream adrenochromedream (2020-09-18 13:21:16):
Vlazteron (2020-09-18 16:46:04):
thanks YSGraphics (2020-09-18 20:24:05 / 5 stars):
Thanks! Rando (2020-09-18 22:47:09):
There we go, all of my suggestions are met! Vlazteron (2020-09-18 23:22:38):
Yep. AhemIdontexist (2020-09-21 10:54:37 / 4.5 stars):
8-)This is great.Could please add the windows neptune logo? eeveelover64 (2020-09-21 14:42:31):
is it official? Vlazteron (2020-09-21 15:57:11):
neptune IS official, it was a project by microsoft, it was also a OS, but at the time, they were working on 1 more project, so they abandoned them and came up with Whistler which would become Windows XP. btw, eeveelover, why dont you rate my set? @AhemIdontexist: I successfully uploaded and added the icon to this set. eeveelover64 (2020-09-21 18:40:13):
eh, i don't use icons, as i don't see a practical use 4 them, other than 2 look cool Yoon_0117 (2020-09-23 15:17:12 / 4 stars):
what is this for Vlazteron (2020-09-23 16:46:54):
Icons, they can be used to change the icon of a program or folder. Unknown author (2020-10-10 15:40:32):
The Windows 10 icon is similar to the Windows 8 icon so please change it Windows Whister is really Official Vlazteron (2020-10-10 18:51:19):
Because Windows 10 uses the same logo as Windows 8 Unknown author (2020-10-12 18:18:30):
I'm currently using Windows 7 Vlazteron (2020-10-15 03:26:53):
Windows 7 is cool! Rando (2020-10-18 20:41:01):
Check your inbox, @Vlazteron ! Vlazteron (2020-10-20 14:27:34):
OK, added the icon. Rando (2020-10-21 04:20:51):
Thank you. Rando (2020-10-22 17:39:41):
Check your inbox again @Vlazteron Vlazteron (2020-10-24 18:25:31):
Done Rando (2020-10-25 21:56:27):
Thanks RIDDLER (2020-10-27 05:00:09 / 5 stars):
I like those icons. They are so real and perfectly made. Well done. Unknown author (2020-11-02 15:34:13):
i love it Unknown author (2020-11-06 18:18:45):
i love the windows 95 great work! Vlazteron (2020-11-08 17:28:57):
just like you Unknown author (2020-11-14 11:09:30):
Windows 3.0 is Official Unknown author (2020-11-18 02:45:14):
What's the use for it? Don't know where to put it. Unknown author (2020-11-21 18:30:27):
ayyyy vista seçtim çok tatlı sizde alın hemde parasız Unknown author (2020-11-27 14:24:58):
microsoft windows cursor like close your. Artsy00 (2020-12-05 22:54:48 / 4.5 stars):
Nice cursors! jeb_andDinnerbone (2020-12-30 04:14:57 / 5 stars):
Woah I need this! I have a collection of Windows Logos and there is what I need in here! Thank you so much! Woah I need this! I have a collection of Windows Logos and there is what I need in here! Thank you so much! Unknown author (2021-01-25 17:41:59):
ben windows 10 BAYA SEVİYOM SKSKSKSK Unknown author (2021-02-16 15:25:25):
ben windows 10 BAYA SEVİYOM SKSKSKSK ben windows 10 BAYA SEVİYOM SKSKSKSK ben windows 10 BAYA SEVİYOM SKSKSKSK ben windows 10 BAYA SEVİYOM SKSKSKSK ben windows 10 BAYA SEVİYOM SKSKSKSK Unknown author (2021-07-13 20:48:41):
now do windows 11 Unknown author (2021-07-29 03:44:28):
window xp is cool Bloxy (2021-08-09 22:48:42 / 5 stars):
These are the best Windows Logo icons I could ever find! I could even convert them to png perfectly using CloudConvert. best thing ever in icon history. Minecraft2.0 (2021-08-28 03:59:52 / 5 stars):
those windows logos are great Unknown author (2021-09-24 05:21:27):
wow LeadR (2021-12-07 14:20:02 / 5 stars):
These are the best Windows Logo icons I could ever find! I could even convert them to png perfectly using CloudConvert. Unknown author (2021-12-14 20:49:22):
it doesnt work Moved (2022-02-22 23:32:00 / 5 stars):
(Im talking to that anonymous that says it doesnt work) they are icons, not cursors! Are you a kid with a capicity of a 2 year old? don't you read the full title? Unknown author (2022-04-13 18:54:38):
ooh yes Unknown author (2022-04-22 15:14:12):
Cool That looks nice Unknown author (2022-05-19 09:50:56):
Everyone. Shut up! Unknown author (2022-11-20 07:07:07):
its good but what about windows 11 and windows NT 4.0 And windows NT 3.1 ツ☪ spunch_bop♡♥ (2022-12-13 17:06:06 / 5 stars):
can we get windows 11 icon plz nibbler (2022-12-17 18:07:19 / 4.5 stars):
These look great! Just add the Windows 11 logo, and I'll add +0.5 Unknown author (2023-08-18 10:05:43):
how do i set it up ? Unknown author (2024-08-01 23:28:29):
These are amazing Unknown author (2025-01-15 21:25:25):
>> how do i set it up ? Unknown author (2025-03-10 21:49:48):
i like transform windows 10 to 3.1. |