Insane Games (2021-01-07 22:36:08):
Im working on a microsoft logo one after i add a few more to this RIDDLER (2021-01-07 23:02:15 / 5 stars):
I like your Google icons. They are needed for Google related tasks. Thanks for uploading them. Unknown author (2021-01-07 23:51:44):
Im thinking im not gonna make microsoft logos anymore Insane Games (2021-01-07 23:52:04):
Oops! But yes that was me. Phantom (2021-01-08 15:41:24 / 4.5 stars):
These are good! Insane Games (2021-01-08 18:06:31):
Yea i have no idea how to get rid of the white background on some of them Phantom (2021-01-08 18:46:59):
I can help! Insane Games (2021-01-08 20:39:55):
Ya but I will erase the picture then bro I now know how to do it with Paint 3D but it is very hard. RIDDLER (2021-01-08 21:03:55):
5 more stars. Insane Games (2021-01-11 23:44:18):
LOL jeb_andDinnerbone (2021-03-15 04:43:58 / 4.5 stars):
Or if you just look for one that is transparent! Use a dark mode extension (on your browser) to check if its transparent! Welp! 4.5/5 4 u! Insane Games (2021-03-16 01:58:32):
I know how to make them transparent but don't want to waste time just doing a little fix y'know Diamond (2021-11-05 15:42:56 / 5 stars):
I really like the logos! I know how to make them transparent, but you need the images still. first, go to and upload the images then press download and that's it for removing the white/background! now upload the images without the backgrounds and you are all set! |