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Knight Davion (2011-06-15 15:32:58):

Wow :-ois Very very cool, but the triangel cannot change :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

D Man (2012-03-28 21:00:04):

Triangle CAN Change only to Round or Shield

danielo (2012-04-18 23:11:32):

its ok but if there were more things to edit it would be better :-( ;-)

cdl (2015-02-05 09:30:08):

icon-image/10392-64x64x32.png image icon-image/8311-32x32x32.png image
nice work!

nibbler (2016-02-04 18:10:27):

Amazing Art! I also like how you can add a reflection to the icons!

Unknown author (2018-07-06 17:23:05):

:-o тут силки нам икноки если не вериш оторву граз зазазаза

Unknown author (2018-07-10 08:01:39):

:-D не верь им

8-) ето супер иконки я их заменил на windows

JK (2018-08-21 18:27:51):


sorry, good

RIDDLER (2021-01-17 14:00:12):

Please can you make more icons like this for Windows Vista and Windows 7. I do like those sort of realistic looking icons for those versions of Windows.

Unknown author (2022-04-01 00:03:59):

Cool! :-D

RIDDLER (2024-12-27 16:28:28):

Please make and add more cool icons. The more icons you add, the better this icon assembler will be.

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