Unknown author (2016-03-01 17:02:00):
KEWL FAG nibbler (2016-03-01 18:37:04):
? Unknown author (2016-03-02 04:21:46):
YEAH Mahlzeit (2016-03-02 06:56:25):
YAY!! nibbler (2016-03-02 15:04:01):
Thanks! Unknown author (2016-03-02 20:16:23):
nibbler (2016-03-02 21:30:23):
Why the sad face? Unknown author (2016-03-03 04:22:44):
(EXCITING INTENSIFIES) nibbler (2016-03-03 15:00:08):
Thanks Unknown author (2016-03-05 01:59:31):
Anonymous u anooying They came out sweet nibbler (2016-03-07 16:03:27):
Blaze Dragon (2016-03-07 17:40:57):
Unknown author (2016-03-08 06:05:55):
thanks nibbler (2016-03-08 15:00:58):
Unknown author (2016-03-09 00:53:20):
yall trippen nibbler (2016-03-09 16:16:35):
? cdl (2016-05-24 09:21:25):
I prefer larger smoother images, but nice work for tiny Mario icons. nibbler (2016-05-24 14:56:10):
Thanks! Unknown author (2016-06-16 20:06:04):
I posted my suggestions on the Baby Arrow™ Super Mario World: Mario Suits Cursors page. Unknown author (2016-08-25 11:22:45):
QIQDAIYDAIwDAJMDAA is 0smw from Super Mario War nibbler (2016-10-14 16:33:35):
Cool. Unknown author (2017-01-07 08:51:05):
QIUDAIYDAIsDAJQDAA Unknown author (2017-04-27 11:21:56):
FUCKING AWESOME Unknown author (2018-05-14 14:36:46):
awesome Unknown author (2018-08-21 19:19:33):
AWESOME! can u do luigi too? or a the cape, raccoon, tanooki, hammer, frog and other powerups? Unknown author (2019-06-13 05:39:31):
cappy from smw oddsey
Vlazteron (2019-11-08 18:24:55):
I love mario! Unknown author (2020-05-19 01:51:54):
Unknown author (2020-07-23 10:28:09):
Nice! Unknown author (2020-09-04 21:24:46):
I Love It! I Wonder If Your Making and More Sprites For It Because I'm Working on a Video and I used Purple and Cyan Blue For A Bubble Mario Sprite Are You Able To Make These?: https://www.deviantart.com/hartflip0218/art/Super-Mario-Oddysey-in-Super-Mario-World-714315936 https://www.kindpng.com/imgv/iiwwRiR_super-mario-world-png-transparent-png/
RIDDLER (2021-01-16 00:45:56):
You could of added white parts as well. RIDDLER (2021-01-17 08:47:02):
All the credit goes to the original author named StickyChannel92 for making those Mario templates. Unknown author (2022-08-29 18:38:17):
QIMDAIYDAIkDAJQDAA oops nibbler (2022-08-30 00:31:01):
thanks for the feedback everyone! @Anonymous who wrote:
I like to do that, but I'm moving on to other games nowadays, so who knows I would be working on more Mario things like that. Unknown author (2023-01-26 00:14:12):
omar3545435 (2024-01-19 12:07:38):