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Unknown author (2012-09-28 10:53:23):

How to extract name of icon?

Vlasta (2012-09-28 10:58:33):

Icons in an .icl file may not have a name, just a numeric id. If they have a name, you'll see it under them in the list. In case of .exe and .dll files, they never have a descriptive name.

Unknown author (2012-09-28 11:02:05):

What list?

I have an ICL lib with names.
I extract icons using ExtractIcon http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms648068(v=vs.85).aspx
What function to use to extract icon name?

Vlasta (2012-09-28 11:02:50):

The window you can see near the bottom of the RealWorld Icon Editor window after you open an icon library file.

Unknown author (2012-09-28 11:03:46):

But what function?

Vlasta (2012-09-28 11:04:56):

You cannot extract icon names with that function. Icons names are saved in a optional, non-standard resource block.

Unknown author (2012-09-28 11:06:21):


Unknown author (2013-02-19 19:07:10):

:-) whew thanks!

Unknown author (2013-09-18 19:21:41):

how do i create an icon library with realworld

Vlasta (2013-09-18 19:24:01):

Double-click "New icon library" on the Create page.

Unknown author (2014-09-15 21:37:20):

can i use only 32 bit (128x128, 48x48, 32x32, etc...) icon files?
do i need 24 bit or 16 bit?

Vlasta (2014-09-15 22:52:01):

24bit are very unusual and not recommended, 16bit is not valid for icons; so basically yes, just 32bits is fine these days

pollaris (2014-09-17 22:35:07):

I have no idea where to look to find my comment... I will look back
here periodically for yours...

Vlasta (2014-09-17 22:43:02):

it was here. It is best to start a topic in the forum for questions like yours.

hillary (2020-09-23 04:36:12):

uhhh how do i make one i'm cconfused

maxaul567 (2020-11-10 12:06:03):

hum.. how to ad icone in the library ?

Unknown author (2024-01-21 20:19:06):

i luv penis

Unknown author (2024-12-29 23:16:57):

how do i merge icons into one?

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