il viandante (2010-11-27 18:44:01):
perchè le istruzioni non possono esser ein italiano? Unknown author (2011-02-03 13:54:35):
XstarbitzX (2011-03-02 17:10:16):
umm i think the animater needs an opption to let image be draged by the point and click effects. if it can some one show me how Unknown author (2012-03-22 01:16:30):
? Lol, when I do layer 3D it doesnt say edit layer... Unknown author (2015-01-02 02:42:35):
None of this works for me but my version is i assume much newer so all the old videos are just confusing Vlasta (2015-01-02 10:50:45):
Yes, now it is called "Modify style", you can find it in the "Layers" panel or menu under "Layer style". Unknown author (2015-02-02 10:38:03):
I´speak czech. Jak uďelat amimace Vlasta (2015-02-02 11:25:37):
Je třeba nakreslit jednotlivé snímky, tady je video. Unknown author (2016-01-02 14:45:23):
Ahoj Vlasto, jak udělat stín tak, aby se vykresloval jen pokud je jeho vykreslování zaškrtnuto ve vlastnostech ukazatele - "Povolit zobrazení stínu ukazatele" ? Vlasta (2016-01-02 18:56:33):
Jestli myslíš tu volbu we vlastnostech myši ve Windows, tak to jde mimo kurzorovy editor, přidává to samo Windows. Nejde to udělat na vyžádání, když je součástí kurzoru, už se nedá odebrat. Unknown author (2016-03-29 13:02:47):
Are there layers in the trial version? I can't find it Vlasta (2016-03-29 17:20:57):
it is in all apps, in RWPhotos, you need to switch to the advanced GUI layout in the upper right corner of the window Unknown author (2016-03-30 10:07:47):
That was easy! Thank you PiTriangle (2022-04-27 18:52:39):
really helpful tutorial thanks! Unknown author (2023-10-19 12:28:09):
好厉害 |