Unknown author (2011-10-31 18:05:57):
Hey where is mirror? Unknown author (2012-02-02 16:01:44):
???????????????????? Unknown author (2012-03-11 18:13:16):
oo no te entendi jeje estas en isglish deja de ablar ese idomaa pero lo aser NEOC (2012-03-16 23:13:06):
¿Tienes algún problema con que hable en inglés? Cada cual se comunica como puede, y los que no pueden, se van a buscar traductores Unknown author (2012-05-06 02:50:37):
Fail. I don't know how. There is no such buttons in my realworld paint heck.anna (2012-05-30 21:27:00):
i use the cursor part of real world.... hahahahahahahaha this dude farted^^^^ Unknown author (2012-08-08 12:38:44):
There is a stupid bug. When i want to flip the selected image, it flips the whole image! Can any1 help? Vlasta (2012-08-08 13:11:41):
Yes, it works like this. The behavior can be changed, but it is pretty difficult as it is buried in a very complicated configuration window. Maybe a temporary solution would be to copy the floating selection into a new layer and flip that layer. I'll see what can be done about it in the next version. Say on (2012-09-08 09:29:10):
Hey Can you Make some option by which I can change which logo to show when I open Real World Paint????????????????PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vlasta (2012-09-08 14:16:58):
The splash mods? No, it is not possible, the little extras appear at random times, some of them quite rarely. Say on (2012-09-09 11:47:49):
Hey please help me .................. it is happening to raster images also It is happening to ALLLL image formats Say on (2012-09-09 16:15:18):
HEY How i can bring a Unicorn 3D object in RW cursor Say on (2012-09-10 15:25:13):
Oh i have find it .. BUT SEE the previous POST WITH 12 PLEASE Vlasta (2012-09-10 16:18:50):
replied to you when you re-posted the question it on my blog... BTW you should start a forum topic when you have a problem, not post comments on various unrelated pages Unknown author (2012-10-13 02:59:18):
How do i turn the line black? Unknown author (2013-07-04 12:13:13):
WHO CAN SAY ME HOW TO DO IN MIRROR MODE !?! Unknown author (2014-06-28 18:08:38):
free gut Unknown author (2014-09-07 21:33:43):
Ok this is totally the BEST CURSOR EDITOR EVER!!!!!!!!!!! MY CURSOR IS BOSS BROS!!!!!!!! Unknown author (2016-10-22 22:34:02):
Is there a way to put to colors on a layer and smudge them together? Unknown author (2018-04-30 13:58:07):
thanks who is my friend? Unknown author (2019-02-17 02:32:26):
I live remotely with No internet most of the time, it would nice to enable viewer to download Tutorial video for viewing on line, to get steady internet I travel 30-40KMS with my laptop and a power supply generator. Unknown author (2021-08-16 12:26:30):
Unknown author (2021-11-20 12:30:31):
its good i costumise my win 10 cursors Unknown author (2023-05-03 14:40:42):
realistic effect fnaf_fan219 (2023-09-09 20:08:24):
thans baud its a vary gaad tutorioal lav it |