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Dark_Samus (2020-11-10 12:00:24):

your are a great cursor creator :-)

dingdongdie (2020-11-10 13:15:51):

ah thank you! i didnt even know custom cursors were possible until a couple days ago, but theyre really fun to make :-)

Dark_Samus (2020-11-10 14:26:38):

i also until i saw this website :-D

Unknown author (2020-11-10 21:33:02):

Plant cursors? That would be cool :-D

dingdongdie (2020-11-10 21:42:08):

thats a good idea anon! now i might just have to do a potted plant cursor

Hermitage (2020-11-11 07:34:40):

:-) :-) :-) :-) great creator u

dingdongdie (2020-11-11 17:56:15):

thanks kayyis!

Liberty (2020-11-11 18:18:32):

i dont even know how do one
:-( :-( :-(

dingdongdie (2020-11-11 18:56:56):

i just think of a theme, and draw the cursors directly in the realworld cursor editor using my mouse :))

Unknown author (2020-11-13 15:26:38):

can you try doing a butterfly cursor if you hadnt done that already? :-)

dingdongdie (2020-11-14 01:58:20):

oh that sounds nice! ill try to find the time to make that for you, anon!

Unknown author (2020-11-16 01:46:14):

could you maybe make sun n cloud cursors? since you did moon n stars cursors :-)

Hermitage (2020-11-16 11:04:22):

The Bunnies cursor are so cute!! :-)

dingdongdie (2020-11-17 23:02:20):

ooh sun and cloud cursors sound great anon! all the nice things in the sky :))

thank you kayyis! i didnt expect so many people to like them, but seeing so much positive feedback is giving me a confidence boost :-D

Unknown author (2020-11-18 07:29:38):

ur cursors are so cute!!!

Unknown author (2020-11-18 10:02:56):

Love ur cursors!! the fashionable duck one is my fav hhhhh

dingdongdie (2020-11-18 13:17:30):

thank you both! and heck yeah funky ducks forever

Unknown author (2020-11-18 16:26:03):

can you make a mario one

dingdongdie (2020-11-18 21:44:22):

i'll consider it

Unknown author (2020-11-21 15:12:25):

I really like you're Bunnie cursors :3

dingdongdie (2020-11-21 17:11:21):

thank you!

Unknown author (2020-11-22 22:36:32):

your cursors are great!! love them. thank you for posting them!

dingdongdie (2020-11-23 04:52:22):

no problem! happy to see that you like them :))

CoolandonRS (2020-11-23 20:10:16):

Quick tip if you didn't know, you can effectively "freeze" an animation on a frame changing its duration from 10 to a large number (It may be different but 10 is the default). You can see a demonstration in this set: http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/crystal-clear-mini . I haven't seen many cursors utilizing this, especially not recent ones and it could fit well with some of the cursor sets you make. (I love them by the way).

dingdongdie (2020-11-23 21:12:07):

thanks for the tip! i do actually change the framerate of my cursors often, but it's likely not very noticeable; i'll be sure to think about that more!

Unknown author (2020-12-04 21:35:57):


Unknown author (2020-12-15 17:45:47):

I like your panda one so much

dingdongdie (2020-12-15 20:36:54):

thank you anon!

strawberry (2020-12-26 19:44:49):

i love all your cursor sets a lot! and your cursor sets actually have all 17 cursors too. thank you so much for these! <3

dingdongdie (2020-12-27 01:12:37):

my pleasure! im really happy you like them!

Unknown author (2020-12-29 00:30:16):

this stuffs cute!!

dingdongdie (2020-12-29 01:29:17):

thanks anon! cutes my specialty :))

Unknown author (2021-01-04 18:14:39):

do kitsunes (9 tailed foxes)

dingdongdie (2021-01-04 21:26:47):

that sounds really nice! the problem is that i usually only do heads of animals so they fit, and a kitsune would be a bit difficult to distinguish in such a small form :(( ill try it out and see how it is, though!

Stay X Stray Kids (2021-01-06 01:27:12):

Hello! I have found your Nachimbong cursor. It's cute but it's super small. I don't want to offend you... Could you recreate the same Nachimbong cursor, please? Thank you!

dingdongdie (2021-01-09 23:08:52):

posted on my blog!

Unknown author (2021-01-25 14:09:18):

I like your cursors alot there so cute! Also could you try Cat cursors?

dingdongdie (2021-01-25 22:29:15):

sure anon! i'm a bit busy right now, but as soon as i get the time i'd love to make a cat cursor set :))

Unknown author (2021-02-03 13:04:06):

Your cursors are so pretty! Thank you so much :-D

dingdongdie (2021-02-04 04:15:10):

im happy you like them!

rymscv (2021-02-06 18:56:32):

i love your cursors they're so cute! <3 good job!

dingdongdie (2021-02-07 04:09:14):

thank you! :))

Unknown author (2021-02-18 04:14:13):

What about... A scratch cursor? Just search in Scratch Cat incase you dont know..

dingdongdie (2021-02-18 22:01:39):

ooh ill consider it anon!

Unknown author (2021-04-19 07:25:41):

i know you said you're working on others, but I love your frogs. would you ever consider doing bees?

dingdongdie (2021-04-23 02:13:12):

thank you! and that sounds great, i'll definitely do those anon :))

Unknown author (2021-04-23 18:55:41):

bees yes!! thank you <3

Unknown author (2021-04-26 09:02:03):

hey can you do a dixie damelio set please please [please I would love that thanks'

Unknown author (2021-04-29 15:26:09):

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2021-05-18 05:02:55):

i love the froggies cursor! can you make a cat or hamster next? i would really appreaciate it

Unknown author (2021-05-31 16:36:03):

Your cursors are adorable! I especially love the panda and frog ones

Unknown author (2021-06-07 15:10:04):

у вас очень милые курсоры,спасибо!!!

Unknown author (2021-06-10 04:45:02):

gentle reminders:
- drink water
- charge your phone
- its alright to take breaks
- straighten your back
- unclench your jaw
- go to the toilet

take your time :))

Unknown author (2022-02-23 00:32:21):

could you possibly do pompompurin?

Unknown author (2022-04-08 20:38:23):

could u do mushrooms? the frog cursors are so cute!

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