♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ's blog archive for October 2021

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Hi I'm Liyan Graphics I'm saying the readers about how did I find and how did I start publishing cursors and icons to this website, I have came o this website by a YouTube tutorial under "how to change the cursor" when I enter that I have found lot's of result I have choose the video that published by my favorite youtuber his name is "Kevin Stratford" I had followed his instructions first of all he told to go the http://www.rw-designer.com/
so I have gone there I haven't logged in I have been like an anonymous for a long time however I had found my first cursor so I have changed my cursor I was interested about this website so I have downloaded the RW cursor editor and made lot's of cursor and published by the application Then I had create an account as Shevooooon***
and I haven't been online for a long time so when I come to this website and tried to log in it shows that "there isn't an email registered by this account" so I have create another account as "Liyanado Graphics davinci" so I have published cursors one by one a one cursor had a download for 1 week!!! in those months that I have upload cursors one by one I'm not famous in this website
I have seen cursor sets of other I have asked Vlasta that how to make a set from icons and cursors he told me how to make so after that day I have made all cursor set and icon sets I had been famous on this website so someone told me that my name is too long so I have asked a good nick from phantom he had told "Liyan Graphics" That's all on this blog.
Thanks to the people who read this blog.
Be tuned I hope to publish another blog.

I'm selling some object click this blog to see more infomation thumbnail

I'm selling some object click this blog to see more infomation

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Please support me and comment at my profile of u want a mockup and I want the Gmail also so I'll send it through Gmail.

Saving up for getting a dispenser thumbnail

Saving up for getting a dispenser

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Who want's a stonemasons tool it's only 20 buttons not 25
who wants phone mockups there 5 buttons but the users who want cheaper I'll give phone mockups only for 4 buttons
and I also have laptop screen mockups too it's only 3 buttons I can't make the laptop screen more cheaper

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ's blog

Blog archive

I wish there were...
What about ICL files?
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background