TyranicalRex's blog archive for December 2018

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How to add styling to comments and forum posts

Hi Everybody!
You've seen those people add images, cursors, iconsicon-14469, links and other styling into there comments. But how? Well, there is a forum post by the sites administrator, Vlasta, which explains how to do it and more.
Here is the link typed out so you can copy/paste it into a bookmark or something while your still learning, cause it is a lot to take in.

New TOTM Contest Winning Set!

Hi Everybody!
I just uploaded a new set called "Cockatoo Inspired Cursors" and it won the TOTM (Theme of the Month) Contest, which you can check out here
cursor-teaser/cockatoo-inspired.png image

TyranicalRex's blog

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I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?