Vlazteron's blog archive for November 2019

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, have a nice day with your family, sons, cousins, friends, etc. You can also make a set about thanksgiving, I would download it and use it on this times. I would like some turkey cursors, or something related about this holiday!

Free Cursors Websites

Have you ever thought, that RealWorld Graphics was the only website that offered free cursors? Well, let me tell you that the answer is NO.


Hello, RealWorld users. Today I joined for the first time to RealWorld Graphics. If you tell some facts or some of the rules and etc, I would appreciate. Also, I appreciate some gifts, so if you want to send me something "useless" for you, send me a PM to my mailbox.

Vlazteron's blog

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Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...