RW & You

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RW & You

Published by on February 19th 2013.

icon-image/7493-48x48x32.png image I have written an article about RW Graphics Software and a sub-article about the gallery content. As a courtesy I contacted various RW members with the request to include some of their art from icon and cursor sets they have uploaded to RW. Some have replied and I thank them for their prompt replies and permission to use their content. I have included in the image file information their RW screen name and the url to the page where their set is located in RW Graphics. I have also linked each image to the respective set page located in RW Graphics.

This article may still undergo some small revisions and additional content may be added but for the most part it is fairly complete at the moment. I am satisfied that there is enough content to illustrate the possibilities that are capable of being produced with RW Graphic Software.

If you were one of the lucky people I sent a message titled 'RW & You' to and have not replied please respond if you wish to see your content in this article or in an upcoming article featuring user art not created with RW Graphics software.

Interested in viewing the afore mentioned articles? Here are the links:

icon-image/7500-48x48x32.png image

If you responded without expressly stating that you do not wish for your content in RW Graphics to be used it is assumed that you have no such objections.
If at any time you wish to rescind your permission to use your content please notify me and I will withdraw such content from the article.

Recent comments

user icon cdl contributing user on February 19th 2013

Please feel free to 'Like' the articles, comment and share them in your social medias! icon-image/8424-32x32x32.png image

user icon Anonymous
Select background
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?