I'm Sorry

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I'm Sorry

Published by on July 18th 2013.

I apologize For my sudden disappearance, I have become very busy and I do not have time for RW right now.
I will not be ably to run the Theme of the Month any more, so unless anyone else wants to do the job, the Theme of the Month has been terminated. I will not be on RW again for quite some time, so until then...This is Good Bye.


Recent comments

user icon cdl contributing user on July 20th 2013

Aww... so sorry to see you go!
Gimme a holler when you return!
Guess I can take over the Theme of the Month for a while.
Will start posting July even though the month is nearly done and August.

Have a nice time and stay safe John!

icon-image/8970-48x48x32.png image

user icon TyranicalRex registered user on September 11th 2018

Bye! Good Luck!

user icon I like your cut g2633 registered user on October 21st 2020

bye good luck

user icon Anonymous on October 28th 2021

Good riddance. :-)

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?
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