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Published by on June 2nd 2014.

icon-image/10933-48x48x32.png image Icons are associated readily with features on a computer. Icons are small files that contain multiple sizes of the same image. Shortcuts contain an icon, folders are listed with folder icons, programs and applications are associated with their brand icons. Some icons can be easily changed to suit your personal taste while others, system icons, are a bit more complicated to change. If you are interested in changing your folder icons or shortcut icons the task is easily performed and outlined in this tutorial page:

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image http://iconfactory.com//help/help_win.html

icon-image/10750-48x48x32.png image I like to customize my desktop icons because it makes my desktop feel friendlier and more aesthetically pleasing. I have quick access shortcuts to programs I use frequently on my desktop and folders containing written material and various graphics I am currently working on. I like to use icons to jazz up these boring folders and shortcuts. I also use customized recycling bin icons, for me it is the Whimsical Dragons:

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image http://www.rw-designer.com/icon-set/whimsical-dragon

icon-image/10572-48x48x32.png image Some icons I change periodically as the mood hits me and others I only change if it is necessary. Distinguishing between two different versions of the same software and recycling bin icons are a couple of instances where you may want to use different icons to discern between two different states. I use one dragon, right facing green, for an empty trash bin and another, left facing red, for a full trash bin.

icon-image/7851-48x48x32.png image Icons are fun visual aids. You become accustomed to seeing a certain icon in association with a folder or program and it makes it much easier to recognize the item quickly. You can also set your desktop to display a text name under the icon to aid in recognition. I find it most useful to add distinct icons to main folders for quicker recognition and aesthetics all over my pc. Some people use sets of related or matching icons and wallpaper on their desktop and others, like myself, use whatever they like and change it when it becomes mundane.

icon-image/10745-48x48x32.png image You can also easily employ icons on your personal and professional web pages. Websites are another place to use icons you like from sets with matching related designs in a theme or simply mix and match whatever suits your taste of the moment, you can always change them later if you like. Use icons to begin paragraphs or list items of interest such as in a menu or navigation panel and catch the reader's attention. Learn why you may want to use icons in this manner on this illustrated informational page:

icon-image/136-16x16x32.png image http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/03/03/how-to-use-icons-to-support-content-in-web-design/


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user icon Anonymous
Select background
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?